17.4.0 (2024-11-19)
Bug Fixes
alerts: update dark theme colors (#1596 ) (6a57512 )
badge: correct orange text color (#1586 ) (c315c1e )
datagrid: hide separator from last column dynamically (#1584 ) (b4a4935 ), closes #1501
datagrid: remove expand cell from calculations (#1581 ) (a51d2d8 ), closes #1487
datagrid: virtual scroll empty space after last row (#1580 ) (be2d3ff )
links: remove native links styling from components (#1604 ) (d1ae4a9 ), closes #1602
nav: register close button icon and fix invalid html (#1590 ) (d5fdec9 )
tokens: add new global blue 25 and update alias colors (#1555 ) (ccf1236 )
tokens: temp overrride for warning status dark color for dark theme (#1611 ) (aeec806 )
tokens: update alias overrides and remove unused (#1603 ) (bed30e6 )
wizard: improve screen reader text for stepnav items (#1558 ) (33bba6b )
wizard: remove content extra padding top (#1618 ) (371199f )
(reverted) datagrid: add ability to unsort columns (#1612 ) (afcdafa )
datagrid: style numeric filter (#1458 ) (194f5c2 )
stepper: separate header panel from accordion, update icons and number positions (#1583 ) (e684541 )
stepper: update buttons (#1589 ) (a82a11d )
token: add viz alias for severity warning light (#1601 ) (5baed7b )
You can’t perform that action at this time.