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vogelpi committed Feb 11, 2020
1 parent 30e336b commit 266a91d
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Showing 38 changed files with 12,610 additions and 0 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions lowrisc_prim.lock.hjson
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// This file is generated by the util/vendor script. Please do not modify it
// manually.

rev: 17f60494bd4c515b650d82711ee1ff9a9a979fdd
only_subdir: hw/ip/prim
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions lowrisc_usbdev.lock.hjson
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// This file is generated by the util/vendor script. Please do not modify it
// manually.

rev: 17f60494bd4c515b650d82711ee1ff9a9a979fdd
only_subdir: hw/ip/usbdev
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions lowrisc_usbpe.lock.hjson
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// This file is generated by the util/vendor script. Please do not modify it
// manually.

rev: 17f60494bd4c515b650d82711ee1ff9a9a979fdd
only_subdir: hw/ip/usb_fs_nb_pe
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions prim/abstract/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// TODO: This module is a hard-coded stopgap to select an implementation of an
// "abstract module". This module is to be replaced by generated code.

`define PRIM_DEFAULT_IMPL prim_pkg::ImplGeneric

module prim_ram_2p #(
parameter prim_pkg::impl_e Impl = `PRIM_DEFAULT_IMPL,

parameter int Width = 32, // bit
parameter int Depth = 128,

localparam int Aw = $clog2(Depth) // derived parameter
) (
input clk_a_i,
input clk_b_i,

input a_req_i,
input a_write_i,
input [Aw-1:0] a_addr_i,
input [Width-1:0] a_wdata_i,
output logic [Width-1:0] a_rdata_o,

input b_req_i,
input b_write_i,
input [Aw-1:0] b_addr_i,
input [Width-1:0] b_wdata_i,
output logic [Width-1:0] b_rdata_o

import prim_pkg::*;

if (Impl == ImplGeneric) begin : gen_mem_generic
prim_generic_ram_2p #(
) u_impl_generic (
end else if (Impl == ImplXilinx) begin : gen_mem_xilinx
prim_xilinx_ram_2p #(
) u_impl_xilinx (
end else begin : gen_failure
// TODO: Find code that works across tools and causes a compile failure

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions prim/lint/prim.vlt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions prim/lint/prim.waiver
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# waiver file for prim

# prim_fifo_sync
waive -rules {ONE_BIT_MEM_WIDTH} -location {} -msg {Memory '' has word width which is single bit wide} \
-comment "It is permissible that a FIFO has a wordwidth of 1bit"

# prim_fifo_async
waive -rules {ASSIGN_SIGN} -location {} -msg {Signed target 'i' assigned unsigned value 'PTR_WIDTH - 3'} \
-comment "Parameter PTR_WIDTH is unsigned, but integer i is signed. This is fine. Changing the integer to unsigned might \
cause issues with the for loop never exiting, because an unsigned integer can never become < 0."

# prim_ram_2p_adv
waive -rules {INPUT_NOT_READ} -location {} -msg {Input port 'cfg_i' is not read from in module} \
-comment "We will eventually use this input for RTC/WTC or other memory parameters."

# prim_assert
waive -rules {UNDEF_MACRO_REF} -location {} -regexp {Macro definition for 'ASSERT_RPT' includes expansion of undefined macro '__(FILE|LINE)__'} \
-comment "This is an UVM specific macro inside our assertion shortcuts"

# prim_packer
waive -rules INTEGER -location {} -msg {'i' of type int used as a non-constant value} \
-comment "This assigns int i (signed) to a multibit logic variable (unsigned), which is fine"

# primitives: prim_subreg

waive -rules INPUT_NOT_READ -location {} -regexp {Input port 'wd' is not read from} \
-comment "for RO wd is not used"

# primitives: prim_arbiter_*

waive -rules PARTIAL_CONST_ASSIGN -location {prim_arbiter_*.sv} -regexp {'mask.0.' is conditionally assigned a constant} \
-comment "makes the code more readable"
waive -rules CONST_FF -location {prim_arbiter_*.sv} -regexp {Flip-flop 'mask.0.' is driven by constant} \
-comment "makes the code more readable"

# primitives: prim_sram_arbiter
waive -rules CONST_OUTPUT -location {} -regexp {rsp_error.* is driven by constant} \
-comment "SRAM protection is not yet implemented"

# primitives: prim_fifos

waive -rules VAR_INDEX_RANGE -location {prim_fifo_*} -regexp {maximum value .* may be too large for 'storage'} \
-comment "index is protected by control logic"
waive -rules EXPLICIT_BITLEN -location {prim_fifo_*} -regexp {Bit length not specified for constant '1'} \
-comment "index is protected by control logic"
waive -rules NOT_READ -location {} -regexp {Signal 'nc_decval_msb' is not read} \
-comment "Store temporary values. Not used intentionally"

waive -rules {INPUT_NOT_READ} -location {} -regexp {Input port '(clk_i|rst_ni)' is not read from, instance.*Depth=0\)} \
-comment "In passthrough mode, clk and reset are not read form within this module"

# TL-UL fifo
waive -rules {HIER_BRANCH_NOT_READ} -location {} -regexp {Connected net '(clk_i|rst_ni)' at* is not read from in module 'prim_fifo_sync'} \
-comment "In passthrough mode, clk and reset are not read form within this module"

# primitivies: prim_ram_2p_wrapper
#waive -rules INPUT_NOT_READ -location {prim_ram_*_wrapper*} -regexp {cfg_i} \
# -comment "Register model doesn't need config port"
#waive -rules NOT_READ -location {prim_ram_*_wrapper*} -regexp {(a|b)_rdata_(q|d)\[38} \
# -comment "Syndrome is not going out to the interface"
185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions prim/rtl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Macros and helper code for using assertions.
// - Provides default clk and rst options to simplify code
// - Provides boiler plate template for common assertions


`ifdef UVM
// report assertion error with UVM if compiled
package assert_rpt_pkg;
import uvm_pkg::*;
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
function void assert_rpt(string msg);
`uvm_error("ASSERT FAILED", msg)

// Helper macros //

// local helper macro to reduce code clutter. undefined at the end of this file
`define INC_ASSERT

// Converts an arbitrary block of code into a Verilog string
`define PRIM_STRINGIFY(__x) `"__x`"

// ASSERT_RPT is available to change the reporting mechanism when an assert fails
`define ASSERT_RPT(__name, __msg) \
`ifdef UVM \
assert_rpt_pkg::assert_rpt($sformatf("[%m] %s: %s (%s:%0d)", \
__name, __msg, `__FILE__, `__LINE__)); \
`else \
$error("[ASSERT FAILED] [%m] %s: %s", __name, __msg); \

// Simple assertion and cover macros //

// Default clk and reset signals used by assertion macros below.
`define ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK clk_i
`define ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST !rst_ni

// Immediate assertion
// Note that immediate assertions are sensitive to simulation glitches.
`define ASSERT_I(__name, __prop) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
__name: assert (__prop) \

// Assertion in initial block. Can be used for things like parameter checking.
`define ASSERT_INIT(__name, __prop) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
initial \
__name: assert (__prop) \

// Assertion in final block. Can be used for things like queues being empty
// at end of sim, all credits returned at end of sim, state machines in idle
// at end of sim.
`define ASSERT_FINAL(__name, __prop) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
final \
__name: assert (__prop || $test$plusargs("disable_assert_final_checks")) \

// Assert a concurrent property directly.
// It can be called as a module (or interface) body item.
`define ASSERT(__name, __prop, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
__name: assert property (@(posedge __clk) disable iff (__rst !== '0) (__prop)) \
// Note: Above we use (__rst !== '0) in the disable iff statements instead of
// (__rst == '1). This properly disables the assertion in cases when reset is X at
// the beginning of a simulation. For that case, (reset == '1) does not disable the
// assertion.

// Assert a concurrent property NEVER happens
`define ASSERT_NEVER(__name, __prop, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
__name: assert property (@(posedge __clk) disable iff (__rst !== '0) not (__prop)) \

// Assert that signal has a known value (each bit is either '0' or '1') after reset.
// It can be called as a module (or interface) body item.
`define ASSERT_KNOWN(__name, __sig, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
`ASSERT(__name, !$isunknown(__sig), __clk, __rst) \

// Cover a concurrent property
`define COVER(__name, __prop, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
__name: cover property (@(posedge __clk) disable iff (__rst !== '0) (__prop)); \

// Complex assertion macros //

// Assert that signal is an active-high pulse with pulse length of 1 clock cycle
`define ASSERT_PULSE(__name, __sig, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
`ASSERT(__name, $rose(__sig) |=> !(__sig), __clk, __rst) \

// Assert that valid is known after reset and data is known when valid == 1
(__name, __valid, __dat, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
`ASSERT_KNOWN(__name``KnownValid, __valid, __clk, __rst) \
`ASSERT_NEVER(__name``KnownData, (__valid) && $isunknown(__dat), __clk, __rst) \

// Same as ASSERT_VALID_DATA, but also assert that ready is known after reset
(__name, __valid, __ready, __dat, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
`ASSERT_KNOWN(__name``KnownValid, __valid, __clk, __rst) \
`ASSERT_KNOWN(__name``KnownReady, __ready, __clk, __rst) \
`ASSERT_NEVER(__name``KnownData, (__valid) && $isunknown(__dat), __clk, __rst) \

// Assumption macros //

// Assume a concurrent property
`define ASSUME(__name, __prop, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
__name: assume property (@(posedge __clk) disable iff (__rst !== '0) (__prop)) \
else begin `ASSERT_RPT(`PRIM_STRINGIFY(__name), `PRIM_STRINGIFY(__prop)) end \

// Assume an immediate property
`define ASSUME_I(__name, __prop) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
__name: assume (__prop) \

// For formal verification only //

// Note that the existing set of ASSERT macros specified above shall be used for FPV,
// thereby ensuring that the assertions are evaluated during DV simulations as well.

// Assume a concurrent property during formal verification only.
`define ASSUME_FPV(__name, __prop, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ifdef FPV_ON \
`ASSUME(__name, __prop, __clk, __rst) \

// Assume a concurrent property during formal verification only.
`define ASSUME_I_FPV(__name, __prop) \
`ifdef FPV_ON \
`ASSUME_I(__name, __prop) \

// Cover a concurrent property during formal verification
`define COVER_FPV(__name, __prop, __clk = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_CLK, __rst = `ASSERT_DEFAULT_RST) \
`ifdef FPV_ON \
`COVER(__name, __prop, __clk, __rst) \

`endif // PRIM_ASSERT_SV

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