A collection of resources for Healthcare. In case something is missing or a link is not working, please create an issue here
- RSNA: Radiological Society of North America
- RSNA MIRC Medical Imaging Resource Center (MIRC) project overview
- RSNA MIRC CTP Describes the RSNA MIRC Clinical Trials Processor (CTP), a stand-alone image processing application for imaging clinical trials data.
- RSNA Practice Tools
- ASTRO: American Society for Radiation Oncology
- Wikipedia DICOM
- DICOM Standard Browser Documentation of all DICOM headers accompanied by a DICOM headers viewer.
- DICOM is easy blog A blog on DICOM file format to get you started.
- Getting oriented using image plane module Understand 3D images stored on DICOM and their orientation.
- dcm2niix A command line (terminal) utility to convert files from DICOM to NIFTI format.
- dcm2niix: Gantry tilt error Understand dcm2niix error outputs.
- Wikipedia: NIFTI
- NIFTI Format
- Coordination System: Images orientation can vary from file to file and it is important then to have a consistent orientation when processing them especially in batches.
- Understanding window width and window center Window width and center affect what you see in an image.
- SimpleITK: Open-source multi-dimensional image analysis in Python, R, Java, C#, Lua, Ruby, TCL and C++
- Read DICOM series from array
- SimpleITK does not save metadata Metadata issues with SimpleITK
- Viewers
- Burnt-in Images Text
- Tesseract: Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- [Tesseract User Manual[(https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/tessdoc/Home.html)
- Tesseract OCR: Understanding the Contents of Documents, Beyond Their Text
- How to OCR with Tesseract, OpenCV and Python
- Text Extraction from a Table Image, using PyTesseract and OpenCV
- Improving the quality of the output
- A list of useful control parameters and config files
- Using Config Files
- Command Line Usage
- PyTesseract Tesseract implementation in Python
- Tesseract: Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
- Carina AI DeIdentifier The de-identifier I implemented from scratch including the algorithms and the user interface and is used by major healthcare players.
- AWS De-identification
- Google De-identification
- Free imaging software for anonymization
- UPenn Notebook on spatial data analysis Useful for examining (cellular) populations interactions and other applications.
- Testing for inhomogeneity of spatial data