Aura\Accept Content Negotiation Middleware
composer require vperyod/accept-handler
See Aura\Accept documentation.
// Create handler
$handler = new Vperyod\AcceptHandler\AcceptHandler();
// Optionally set the attribute on which to store the `Accept` object
// Defaults to 'aura/accept:accept'
// Add to your middleware stack, radar, relay, etc.
// Subsequent dealings with `Request` will have the `Accept` instance available
// at the previous specified atribute
$accept = $request->getAttribute('accept');
// The `AcceptRequestAwareTrait` should make dealings easier.
// Have all your objects that deal with the accept attribute on the request use
// the `AcceptRequestAwareTrait` and have your DI container use the setter, so that
// they all know where the Accept object is stored.
// Additionally, the trait supplies negotiate methods to eaily access the the
// `Accept` Negotiation methods.
class MyResponder
use \Vperyod\AcceptHandler\AcceptRequestAwareTrait;
protected $availableLangs = [
protected $availableCharset = [
protected $availableMedia = [
public function __invoke($request, $response, $payload)
// get the accept object
$accept = $this->getAccept($request);
// or more convieniant methods
$language = $this->negotiateLanguage($request, $this->availableLangs);
$charset = $this->negotiateCharset($request, $this->availableCharset)
$media = $this->negotiateMedia($request, $this->availableMedia);