For CakePHP 2.x, used to automatically upload files and control their integrity (size and file types)
You must install Fileinfo PHP module before:
You need to clone the project into a "Plugin" directory in app/Plugin. Then, add this "CakePlugin::load" in the app bootstrap:
public $actsAs = array( 'Upload.Upload' => array( 'photo', 'picture' => array( 'root' => WWW_ROOT, 'prefix' => 'file', 'dir' => 'files', 'types' => array('jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'png' => 'image/png', 'gif' => 'image/gif'), 'size' => 100, 'retina' => false, 'thumbs' => array( 'small' => array(300), 'crop' => array(200,200) ) ) ) );
Add the upload fields in the Behavior declaration, you can add custom options or not, here the fields are "photo" and "picture".
- root: the root of uploaded files folder. By default 'webroot' of 'app' folder.
- prefix: the prefix of the uploaded file that will be for example: file-123abc456.jpg
- dir: the webroot directory where the file will be uploaded, "files" by default,
- types: the file types authorized to download, "jpg", "png" andd "gif" by default. The key is the extension and the value the mime type,
- size: the maximum file size authorized,
- retina: the uploaded file will be used for a retina display,
- thumbs: the thumbs for Web images formats. The key will the the prefix (ie: small-123abc456.jpg), and the value(s) the width or the sizes.
Instead od using Form Helper It necessary to use its brother, UploadForm, first add the Helper declaration in Controller:
public $helpers = array('Upload.FormUpload');
Secondly, use it in add View:
echo $this->FormUpload->create('Item'); echo $this->FormUpload->fileInput('photo'); echo $this->FormUpload->fileInput('picture'); echo $this->FormUpload->end(__('Submit'));
Finally, use it in edit View, you can specify "isEdition" with true if you want to see the image or a link to the file in the form:
echo $this->FormUpload->create('Item'); echo $this->FormUpload->fileInput('photo', array('isEdition' => true)); echo $this->FormUpload->fileInput('picture', array('isEdition' => true)); echo $this->FormUpload->end(__('Submit'));
If you need to get the thumb file name, it is possible to use "thumbName":
echo $this->FormUpload->thumnName($filename, 'small');
The first argument is the file name and the second if the thumb prefix.