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Enhanced Features

Vladimir Schneider edited this page May 4, 2017 · 48 revisions

Table of Contents

Split Layout Control

Screen Shot Toolbar

Button Action Notes
Editor Preview Show editor and preview
Preview Only Show preview only
Editor only Show editor only
Html Preview Show HTML preview
Html Modified Show HTML text used for browser
Html Unmodified Show plain HTML as generated by parser Plain HTML as converted from markdown by the parser
Print preview Print HTML preview only JavaFX WebView preview broswer supported

Actions available but not in the toolbar. Can be mapped to shortcuts.

Non Toolbar Actions Action Notes
Cycle Editor Preview Cycle split layout
Toggle Editor Preview Toggle Editor Layout toggles preview on/off
Cycle Html Cycle preview content cycle through preview, modified and unmodified HTML preview types

Screen Shot Toolbar

Button Action Notes
Editor Actions Wrap On Typing Toggle wrap on typing
Editor Actions Bold Toggle bold text
Editor Actions Italic Toggle italic text
Editor Actions Strikethrough Toggle strike through text
Editor Actions Underline Toggle underline/inserted text Underline parser extension must be enabled
Editor Actions Superscript Toggle superscript text Superscript parser extension must be enabled
Editor Actions Subscript Toggle subscript text Subscript parser extension must be enabled
Editor Actions Code Span Toggle code span
Icons Editor Actions Link Insert explicit link
Editor Actions Quote Remove Decrease quote level
Editor Actions Quote Add Increase quote level
Editor Actions Header Level Up Increase header level
Editor Actions Header Level Down Decrease header level
Editor Actions Header Toggle Type Toggle header type
Editor Actions List Unindent Un-Indent list item
Editor Actions List Indent Indent list item
Editor Actions List Tight Single space list Single space all items in a list. Caret placed on one of the list items
Editor Actions List Loose Double space list Double space all items in a list. Caret placed on one of the list items
Editor Actions List Bullet Items Bullet list Convert caret item or items in selection to bullet list items. If all are already bullet items then convert to plain text
Editor Actions List Ordered Items Numbered list Convert caret item or items in selection to numbered list items. If all are already numbered items then convert to plain text
Editor Actions List Task Items Task list Convert caret item or items in selection to task list items. If all are already task items then convert to plain text
Editor Actions List Toggle Item Done Toggle task item done Toggle done status of caret item or items in selection
Auto Format Table Toggle auto-format table Toggle format table as you type mode.
Editor Actions Insert Table Insert table Inserts a 1x3 table that you can edit to add more rows and columns.
Editor Actions Insert Table Row Insert table row Insert a row below the caret. Also done by ENTER
Editor Actions Insert Table Column Insert table column on left Insert a column left of the column with caret.
Editor Actions Insert Table Column Right Insert table column on right Insert a column right of the column with caret.
Delete Table Row Delete table row Delete the row with the caret. Also done by BACKSPACE on empty row
Delete Table Column Delete table column Delete the column with the column with caret. Also done by BACKSPACE on empty column
Editor Actions Reformat Element Reformat current element Wrap paragraph, format table or update table of contents element
Editor Actions Reformat Document Reformat current document Apply code style to current document
Editor Actions Copy Jira Copy JIRA formatted text Copy current selection or document as JIRA formatted text
Editor Actions Copy You Track Copy YouTrack formatted text Copy current selection or document as YouTrack formatted text
Editor Actions Copy HTML mime Copy HTML formatted text Copy current selection or document as HTML formatted text that can be pasted into applications that support the format. i.e. e-mail, word processing, etc.
Editor Actions Export Html Export Rendered Html Export rendered HTML as per rendering profile
Editor Actions Export PDF Export Markdown as PDF Export Markdown as PDF rendered HTML formatted text

Live Templates

Element Abbreviation Expansion
Abbreviation .abbreviation *[]:
Fenced Code .codefence ``` ... ```
Collapsed Markdown .collapse &nbsp;<details><summary>...<summary>...
Emoji .emoji ::
Explicit link .link []()
Footnote .footnote [^]:
Footnote Ref .rfootnote [^]
Image .image ![]()
Ref image .rimage ![][]
Ref link .rlink [][]
Reference .reference []:
Table .table `
Task .task - [ ]
Table of Contents .toc [TOC]: #
Wiki link .wikilink [[]]


Collapsed Markdown live template must be enabled in Live Templates > Markdown

Collapsed Markdown creates a collapsible markdown snippet that will be correctly rendered on GitHub. This Live Template comes disabled by default and must be enabled before it will be available for completions.

Since the preview is updated as changes to the markdown document is made the <details> tags will be refreshed in the closed form after every update. To make it easier to work on a document with <detail> tags you should enable the Details tag opener scrip in Stylesheet settings so that these tags will be opened after every update.

⚠️ Swing browser does not support this tag and will simply render the text contained in this section.


Surround Live Templates

Element Abbreviation Expansion
Fenced Code MM Surround selection with Markdown Fenced Code
Collapsed Markdown CM Surround selection with Markdown Collapsible section
Formatter off/on comments EM Surround selection with Markdown @formatter off/on comments

The formatter off/on wrapping can be used to manually control formatting of a section or sections of a document while allowing the rest of the document formatting to be automated.

Actions and Keymap

All actions defined by the Markdown Navigator plugin can be used to create custom key mapping under Keymap > Plug-ins > Markdown Navigator under Preferences (OS X)/settings (Win/UX).

This includes all toolbar button actions and view toggling actions, which lets you customize your shortcuts to your most frequently used actions.

Style Toggle Actions

The style toggle actions for: bold, italic, strikethrough, underline, superscript, subscript, and inline code will toggle their corresponding style on/off for word or selection. When used without a selection with the caret at beginning or end of word they will apply the style to the word, delimited by spaces and with any punctuations at the end of the word ignored. Default punctuation symbols are .,:;?! and can be customized in the main options panel for Markdown Navigator in Languages & Frameworks > Markdown

The default behavior for the inline code toggle actions is to toggle the inline code like it was a text style. To make this action add more back ticks around the inline code element when the caret is at the end of it, turn off the Toggle inline code like text style in the main options panel for Markdown Navigator in Languages & Frameworks > Markdown

Table Navigation

There are actions to navigate to next/previous cell/start/end. The Cell navigation will stop on Cell Start and Cell End. Actions "With Selection" will extend the selection, the others don't. All will stop at start/end of table row and wrap to next/previous row if it exists.

As You Type Enhancements

Wrap on Typing

With Wrap on typing option enabled, typing in a text block will re-format the text block when a space is typed and the line containing the caret extends beyond the current right margin. The limitation on when wrapping is done is intended to reduce the overhead and delay when typing.

BACKSPACE will reformat the paragraph every time.

Additionally, typing/backspacing a space or a block quote > before the first character of a paragraph will optionally match the block quote markers and indentation on all the continuation lines for the paragraph.

Similarly, typing between a list marker and the first character of the paragraph will optionally indent the continuation lines to line them up with the first position of the text on the first line.

Text Wrap

Auto-format table

With Auto-format table on typing enabled will result in the table formatting options being applied as you edit the table. This does delay the typing but does make it easier to see the results. When performing extensive edits to a table you can temporarily turn off this options on the toolbar.

Table Auto Format

If Add missing columns is enabled the typing before the leftmost pipe character will insert a column into the table before the first column. Typing after the rightmost pipe character will add a column after the last. If the table rows have un-even column numbers then reformatting a table via the Format element button will also add columns but will do so at a location based on the column that contains the caret. This way you can control where the missing columns are inserted. For full control you should use the Insert table column button.

Delete empty row/col on backspace will automatically delete a row or column when BACKSPACE is performed in an empty row/column. Row deletion has priority over column deletion.

Insert on ENTER will add an empty table row below the row that contains the caret.

Table Add Missing


When pasting markdown text copied from a markdown file link and footnote references will automatically paste the references at the end of the file so that these references resolve in the destination file.

Links and link references will also be adjusted to reflect the change in the source reference file. The destination link address format will be changed to absolute URL format if the destination file link cannot be resolved in the original link format.

Copy Markdown to HTML formatted text

Copy Markdown to HTML formatted text will copy the current selection or document if there is no selection, to the clipboard as HTML formatted mime content which can be pasted into any application that supports HTML formatted content such as e-mail or word processing application.

This action is available in the toolbar and in the main menu under Tools > Markdown Navigator > Copy Markdown

Rendering profile for this action can be customized by creating a Profile named COPY_HTML_MIME, Preview settings are not used. Parser, Stylesheet and HTML Generation will allow customization of what HTML formatted text is copied.

Note that the HTML stylesheet is not a standard CSS format file since the HTML element styles are set via the style attribute for each element. The style sheet is a simplified format with each line containing the selector and all the styles for the element. When rendering markdown to HTML, this stylesheet is parsed and the styles contained for each selector are applied to the matching elements.

Use html_mime_default.css as a starting template. All style settings must be contained in a single matching one line entry since they are set in each element and there is no stylesheet. The "css" text is parsed with a simple parser, one line comments stripped out and each line's style attributed to element selector, with style to be added to the element's style attribute. The "parent" selector is based on Markdown AST hierarchy and not actual HTML, so any HTML tags surrounding Markdown elements will have no effect. The classes are hardcoded into the attribute provider such as: tr.odd, tr.even and li.loose based on Markdown AST.

Export Markdown to PDF

Export Rendered Markdown to PDF will export the current document to PDF using the configured rendering profile.

This action is available in the toolbar and in the main menu under Tools > Markdown Navigator > Export Markdown

By default this action will use COPY_HTML_MIME rendering profile, if available. The rendering profile for this action can be customized by creating a Profile named COPY_HTML_MIME, Preview settings are not used. Parser, Stylesheet and HTML Generation will allow customization of what HTML is used for exporting to PDF. For details see: Copy Markdown to HTML formatted text

Alternately, you can create a rendering profile and select it as the default for PDF Export in Languages & Frameworks > Markdown > Rendering. If customizing the PDF rendering profile you will need to take into consideration Open HTML To PDF limitations in parsing the resulting CSS attributes. Custom Rendering Profiles

Table Of Contents

Table of contents for your document can be generated for standard markdown parsers that do not support a table of contents element.

The lines after the [TOC]: # tag are updated to reflect the content of the document when you reformat document Editor Actions Reformat Document or reformat element editor actions reformat element. More details in Adding a Table of Contents

For a toc element [TOC levels=3]: #### "Table of Contents" and these headers in the document:

# Heading **some bold** 1
## Heading 1.1 _some italic_
### Heading 1.1.1
### Heading 1.1.2  **_some bold italic_**
# Heading 2
### Heading 2.0.1

After an update the table of contents element will look like the following:

Markdown version:

[TOC levels=1-3]: #### "Contents"

#### Contents
- [Heading **some bold** 1](#heading-some-bold-1)
    - [Heading 1.1 _some italic_](#heading-11-some-italic)
        - [Heading 1.1.1](#heading-111)
        - [Heading 1.1.2  **_some bold italic_**](#heading-112--some-bold-italic)
- [Heading 2](#heading-2)
    - [Heading 2.0.1](#heading-201)


HTML version:

[TOC levels=1-3]: #### "Contents"

    <li><a href="#heading-some-bold-1">Heading <strong>some bold</strong> 1</a>
      <li><a href="#heading-11-some-italic">Heading 1.1 <em>some italic</em></a>
        <li><a href="#heading-111">Heading 1.1.1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#heading-112--some-bold-italic">Heading 1.1.2  <strong><em>some bold italic</em></strong></a>
    <li><a href="#heading-2">Heading 2</a>
      <li><a href="#heading-201">Heading 2.0.1</a></li>