479 commits
to develop
since this release
🔨 Refactors
- atoms: SfColor, SfHeading, SfIcon, SfImage, SfInput, SfOverlay, SfPrice, SfTextarea:
display: none
instead ofv-if
- molecules: SfAlert, SfBanner, SfBar, SfBottomModal, SfCallToAction, SfCategoryCard, SfCheckbox, SfColorPicker, SfComponentSelect, SfDropdown, SfFilter, SfGallery, SfMenuItem, SfModal, SfNotification, SfPagination, SfRadio, SfReview, SfSelect, SfTile:
display: none
instead ofv-if
- organisms: SfAccordion, SfBottomNavigation, SfCollectedProduct, SfContentPages, SfFooter, SfHeader, SfHero, SfMegaMenu, SfProductCard, SfProductCardHorizontal, SfSidebar, SfStoreLocator, SfTabs:
display: none
instead ofv-if
- SfContentPages: Detecting active page regardless of the casing
🚀 Features
- atoms: improved unit tests coverage
- SfCollectedProduct: added max and min prop for quantity selector
- SfCard: new props imageWidth and imageHeight
- SfStore in SfStoreLocator: new props pictureWidth and pictureHeight
- SfImage, SfLoader, SfBottomModal, SfFooter, DetailedCart, Error, Home, Cart, ConfirmOrder, Payment: added width and height for images
🐛 Fixes
- Home page: desktop images added to Instagram Feed and styled to fit the designs
- SfButton: link button was not setup as full width
- SfComponentSelect: added cancelLabel prop and binding for cancelHandler
- SfRadio: mutating prop directly error fixed in Storybook
- SfOverlay - fix emitting click event
- Default: SfHeader removed duplicated links
- SfProductCard: add to cart button position depends on color prop
🧹 Chores:
- docs: fix events in docs tab - add descriptions and complete lacking events