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@bloodf bloodf released this 18 Aug 22:56
· 9217 commits to master since this release

We're literally thrilled to present You The Vue Storefront v1.0.

This release is a huge step for our project! We're now 1.0 stable. It's official!

It was a long way we passed from the first commit and the journey was possible only due to our vibrant community and the contributors! Thank You All for the effort and Your daily commitment!

Some stats first:

  • 2,697 commits have been made by our contributors,
  • 42 contributors engaged in the project, 342 developers in the Slack community (!)
  • 1,374K stars on GitHub and raising

Please read the UPGRADE NOTES before pulling out the latest changes

1.0 release

Key new features

In this version, we've added few really cool features:

  • Multistore - now it's possible to manage the store views with all the features like translations, custom category, and products content, shipping rates - basically all Magento2 features are supported! You can read more on how to setup Multistore here.
  • Bundle products - support for the Magento-like bundle products with all the custom options, pricing rules etc.
  • Configurable options - that allows users to select radio/checkbox options + put some custom notes (textboxes) on the products they like to order,
  • Crossell, Upsell, Related products - are now synchronized with Magento2,
  • Webpack4 support - we've migrated from Webpack2 -> Webpack4 and now the build process takes much less time while providing some cool new features,
  • Core components refactor - without changing APIs, we've stripped the core components from s to improve the performance and improve the code readability,
  • PWA Manifest fixes - iOS PWA support required us to adjust some settings,
  • Improved translations - we're constantly tweaking the translation files :) We've just added it-IT and pl-PL (finally!) support recently
  • Improved Travis-CI pipeline - and added support for end-2-end testing,
  • Lot of bugfixes + UX fixes - countless hours spent on improving the code and UI quality!
  • Please check it out: visit:


    We're trying to map all the feature requirements for next major editions (1.1, 1.2 ...). Please do contact us at [email protected] if you would like to share some thoughts.

    Credits for 1.0

    Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team

    Paweł Szafrański @szafran89 - UX fixes, cross and up-sell support
    Lorena Ramonda (Bitbull) @lorenaramonda - UX fixes, Language switcher
    Adam Marcinkowski - @mercs600 - UX fixes, category filter, lazy loading refactor, wishlist refactor
    Bartek Igielski - @Igloczek - core components refactor + fixes
    Damian Fiałkiewicz - @Aekal - core components refactor + fixes
    David Rouyer - @DavidRouyer - webpack4 support, improved translations
    Filip Rakowski - @filrak - new theme-starter + new modularization concept
    Ruben - @darkmukke - community support
    Tomek Kikowski @qiqqq - fixes + improvements
    Marcin Lasak @marlass - new Travis-CI pipeline + e2e tests support
    @Malwurf - improved PWA manifest
    Patryk Mazur @patrykpiston - Notifications refactor
    Dominika Szpak @DomiSzpak - UX improvements
    @Progowi - UX improvements
    Stasiek Świątkiewicz @StasiekDivante - UX tests + improvements
    Karol Bzik @karolbzik - product design + UI tests
    Raymond Wojtala - partner onboarding
    Artur Wala - user support

    If you want to appear on this list with the next release, don't hesitate to become a contributor. Just drop us an e-mail to [email protected]