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Vue Storefront 1.9.0
- The Url Dispatcher feature added for friendly URLs. When
set to true theproduct.url_path
fields are used as absolute URL addresses (no/c
prefixes anymore). Check the latestmage2vuestorefront
snapshot and reimport Your products to properly seturl_path
fields - #2010 - @pkarw - Unit tests of cart module written in jest - @lukeromanowicz (#2305)
- validation for UTF8 alpha and alphanumeric characters in most checkout fields - @lromanowicz (#2653)
- helper to process config urls with default endpoint host
- @patzick (#2858)
Changed / Improved
- The
parsing URL methods exchanged toquery-string
package - @pkarw (#2446) - Unit tests in Karma are now removed in favor of jest - @lukeromanowicz (#2305)
- Material Icons are loaded asynchronously - @JKrupinski, @filrak (#2060)
- Update to babel 7 - @lukeromanowicz (#2554)
- Gallery low quality image in offline mode when high quality already cached - @patzick (#2557)
- Payment issue when no address set - @szafran89 (#2593)
- Search component result message when search term is less than 3 letters - @robwozniak (#2561)
- Removed childSku parameter in url for non-configurable products when using urlDispatcher - @Aekal (#2605)
- Image lazy loading after SSR reload - @pkarw (#2641)
- Modules can add custom URL - @pkarw (#2601)
- Url routes fixes - @pkarw (#2598, #2645, #2614)
- Fix for shopping cart actions when the
has been cleared out - @pkarw (#2567) - Fixed always common cache issue for multistore - @filrak (#2595)
- Checkout copy address data will sync on later change - @haukebri (#2661)
- Fixed Safari style for sort-by select - @haukebri (#2642)
- fixed My orders in My Profile not refreshed after putting an order - @filrak (#2559)
- Refreshing product page on mobile device - @patzick (#2484)
- ESlint throwing errors about undefined jest globals in tests - @lukeromanowicz (#2702)
- Fixed changing the country when entering shipping address in checkout not updating shipping costs - @revlis-x (#2691)
- Instant Checkout fix - @qiqqq (#2750)
- Infinite loop on multistore page after reload - @patzick (#2713)
- Refreshing MyAccount page on multistore - @patzick (#2780)
- "Toggle password visible" button in password fields works the right way - @lromanowicz (#2772)
- Range queries to elasticsearch - @oskar1233 (#2746)
- BaseInput has min height now to avoid jumping on forms - @patzick (#2771)
- Orders with invalid address don't stack anymore in the queue and have proper notification popup - @AndreiBelokopytov, @lukeromanowicz (#2663)
- Offline orders with out of stock products don't stack anymore and get canceled after going back to online - @lukeromanowicz (#2740)
- Build ServiceWorker on Docker - @patzick (#2793)
- Product image load after comming back to online - @patzick (#2573)
- Insufficent validation for city field in checkout address - @lromanowicz (#2653)
- Incorrect hover activity on the 'filter by categories' in the search view on mobile - @idodidodi (#2783)
- Unit tests written in JavaScript now support async/await functions and dynamic import - @michaelKurowski, @lukeromanowicz (#2851)