Releases: vuestorefront/vue-storefront-1
We're proudly presenting the Vue Storefront v1.1.0!
Shortly after the 1.0 release, we do not slow down the pace. We plan to keep the monthly release cycle with new features + improvements.
Please read the UPGRADE NOTES before pulling out the latest changes
Key new features
In this version, we've added few really cool features:
- Zip Code validation [#1372]
- Get inpspired block [#968]
- Favicon [#836]
- Webpack config + refactoring [#1250]
- Account page updates [#1323]
- UI fixes [#901]
- Vuex Store extensions fixes [#1028, #1102]
- MS Edge + IE10 fixes [#1266]
- IndexedDB locking issue
- JS bundle size reduced by -40% (!)
- Added PM2 process manager [#1162]
- Added billing data phone number support [#1338]
- Added validation labels + generic control for CountrySelector [#1227]
- Offline mode Push Notification support [#1348, #1122, #1317]
- Added billing data phone number support [#1338]
- PoC of API refactoring for the cart module [#1316]
- Sort feature added [#671]
- Page loader [#1240]
- Production ready Docker config for vue-storefront-api
- Magento CMS support [#1328]
- Prices incl. tax support (Magento setting)
Please check it out: visit:
We're trying to map all the feature requirements for next major editions (1.2, 1.3 ...). Please do contact us at [email protected] if you would like to share some thoughts.
Credits for 1.1.0
Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team
Alina Drozd @alinadivante - Cypress integration tests
Paweł Szafrański @szafran89 - a lot of UX tweaks + fixes
David Rouyer @DavidRouyer - webpack configuration refactor + bundle optimization
Tomek Kikowski @qiqqq - fixes + improvements
Akbar Abdrakhmanov @akbarik - My Account fixes
Damian Fiałkiewicz - @Aekal - country selector + other fixes
Filip Rakowski - @filrak - core-api refactor PoC + fixes
Janusz Janczy - @Januszpl - more integration tests
Paweł Szreder - @pszreder - production Docker setup for vue-storefront-api
Anna Karon - @anqaka - Magento CMS support
Marcin lasak - @marlass - image lazy load fixes
Stasiek Świątkiewicz @StasiekDivante - UX tests + improvements
Raymond Wojtala - partner onboarding
Artur Wala - user support
If you want to appear on this list with the next release, don't hesitate to become a contributor. Just drop us an e-mail to [email protected]
We're literally thrilled to present You The Vue Storefront v1.0.
This release is a huge step for our project! We're now 1.0 stable. It's official!
It was a long way we passed from the first commit and the journey was possible only due to our vibrant community and the contributors! Thank You All for the effort and Your daily commitment!
Some stats first:
- 2,697 commits have been made by our contributors,
- 42 contributors engaged in the project, 342 developers in the Slack community (!)
- 1,374K stars on GitHub and raising
Please read the UPGRADE NOTES before pulling out the latest changes
Key new features
In this version, we've added few really cool features:
- Multistore - now it's possible to manage the store views with all the features like translations, custom category, and products content, shipping rates - basically all Magento2 features are supported! You can read more on how to setup Multistore here.
- Bundle products - support for the Magento-like bundle products with all the custom options, pricing rules etc.
- Configurable options - that allows users to select radio/checkbox options + put some custom notes (textboxes) on the products they like to order,
- Crossell, Upsell, Related products - are now synchronized with Magento2,
- Webpack4 support - we've migrated from Webpack2 -> Webpack4 and now the build process takes much less time while providing some cool new features,
- Core components refactor - without changing APIs, we've stripped the core components from s to improve the performance and improve the code readability,
- PWA Manifest fixes - iOS PWA support required us to adjust some settings,
- Improved translations - we're constantly tweaking the translation files :) We've just added it-IT and pl-PL (finally!) support recently
- Improved Travis-CI pipeline - and added support for end-2-end testing,
- Lot of bugfixes + UX fixes - countless hours spent on improving the code and UI quality!
Please check it out: visit:
We're trying to map all the feature requirements for next major editions (1.1, 1.2 ...). Please do contact us at [email protected] if you would like to share some thoughts.
Credits for 1.0
Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team
Paweł Szafrański @szafran89 - UX fixes, cross and up-sell support
Lorena Ramonda (Bitbull) @lorenaramonda - UX fixes, Language switcher
Adam Marcinkowski - @mercs600 - UX fixes, category filter, lazy loading refactor, wishlist refactor
Bartek Igielski - @Igloczek - core components refactor + fixes
Damian Fiałkiewicz - @Aekal - core components refactor + fixes
David Rouyer - @DavidRouyer - webpack4 support, improved translations
Filip Rakowski - @filrak - new theme-starter + new modularization concept
Ruben - @darkmukke - community support
Tomek Kikowski @qiqqq - fixes + improvements
Marcin Lasak @marlass - new Travis-CI pipeline + e2e tests support
@Malwurf - improved PWA manifest
Patryk Mazur @patrykpiston - Notifications refactor
Dominika Szpak @DomiSzpak - UX improvements
@Progowi - UX improvements
Stasiek Świątkiewicz @StasiekDivante - UX tests + improvements
Karol Bzik @karolbzik - product design + UI tests
Raymond Wojtala - partner onboarding
Artur Wala - user support
If you want to appear on this list with the next release, don't hesitate to become a contributor. Just drop us an e-mail to [email protected]
We're literally thrilled to present You The Vue Storefront v1.0.
This release is a huge step for our project! We're now 1.0 stable. It's official!
It was a long way we passed from the first commit and the journey was possible only due to our vibrant community and the contributors! Thank You All for the effort and Your daily commitment!
Some stats first:
- 2,697 commits have been made by our contributors,
- 42 contributors engaged in the project, 342 developers in the Slack community (!)
- 1,374K stars on GitHub and raising
Please read the UPGRADE NOTES before pulling out the latest changes
Key new features
In this version, we've added few really cool features:
- Multistore - now it's possible to manage the store views with all the features like translations, custom category, and products content, shipping rates - basically all Magento2 features are supported! You can read more on how to setup Multistore here.
- Bundle products - support for the Magento-like bundle products with all the custom options, pricing rules etc.
- Configurable options - that allows users to select radio/checkbox options + put some custom notes (textboxes) on the products they like to order,
- Crossell, Upsell, Related products - are now synchronized with Magento2,
- Webpack4 support - we've migrated from Webpack2 -> Webpack4 and now the build process takes much less time while providing some cool new features,
- Core components refactor - without changing APIs, we've stripped the core components from s to improve the performance and improve the code readability,
- PWA Manifest fixes - iOS PWA support required us to adjust some settings,
- Improved translations - we're constantly tweaking the translation files :) We've just added it-IT and pl-PL (finally!) support recently
- Improved Travis-CI pipeline - and added support for end-2-end testing,
- Lot of bugfixes + UX fixes - countless hours spent on improving the code and UI quality!
Please check it out: visit:
We're trying to map all the feature requirements for next major editions (1.1, 1.2 ...). Please do contact us at [email protected] if you would like to share some thoughts.
Credits for 1.0
Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team
Paweł Szafrański @szafran89 - UX fixes, cross and up-sell support
Lorena Ramonda (Bitbull) @lorenaramonda - UX fixes, Language switcher
Adam Marcinkowski - @mercs600 - UX fixes, category filter, lazy loading refactor, wishlist refactor
Bartek Igielski - @Igloczek - core components refactor + fixes
Damian Fiałkiewicz - @Aekal - core components refactor + fixes
David Rouyer - @DavidRouyer - webpack4 support, improved translations
Filip Rakowski - @filrak - new theme-starter + new modularization concept
Ruben - @darkmukke - community support
Tomek Kikowski @qiqqq - fixes + improvements
Marcin Lasak @marlass - new Travis-CI pipeline + e2e tests support
@Malwurf - improved PWA manifest
Patryk Mazur @patrykpiston - Notifications refactor
Dominika Szpak @DomiSzpak - UX improvements
@Progowi - UX improvements
Stasiek Świątkiewicz @StasiekDivante - UX tests + improvements
Karol Bzik @karolbzik - product design + UI tests
Raymond Wojtala - partner onboarding
Artur Wala - user support
If you want to appear on this list with the next release, don't hesitate to become a contributor. Just drop us an e-mail to [email protected]
Vue Storefront v1.0 Release Candidate 2 has just landed! In this release, we were focused on the developer experience. Among cool new features added, most tasks were focused on: stability, extensibility, code quality.
Please read the UPGRADE NOTES before pulling out the latest changes
This release brings the Magento 1.9 support and Magento 2 checkout fallback.
Another break-thru with this release is Payment gateway framework with the first module for Stripe payments, build by our Folks at Develo // design.
We've slightly re-composed our repository with Lerna support for managing multiple npm modules inside one repo. Right now the extensions and themes can be published and then separately updated as node modules. Big thanks to Bartek Igielski from (@Igloczek)!
The next major improvements are "Order history" tab, re-factored "My Account tab" and "Discount codes" support in the checkout.
Oh! Thanks to our Community we're now in 5 languages (EN, DE, FR, ES, NL)!
Please be aware that we've switched to "yarn" to support Lerna, and You must run "yarn install" as a first step after pulling the code
Please check it out: visit:
We're still waiting for the developer's feedback to improve the extensibility and maintainability of Vue Storefront. This is the reason we didn't run directly to 1.0 FINAL, but we've planned RC-2 and RC-3 releases before. Please feel free to share the feedback with us.
Key new features
- Basic Magento 1.9 support,
- Translations: ES, DE, NL, FR
- Lerna support for managing the npm packages within the one repository,
- Installer fixes (Linux support),
- Orders history,
- Discount codes support,
- Stripe Payments support,
- External Checkout support for Magento 2.x,
- Basic Travis checks,
- Other fixes.
We're trying to map all the feature requirements for next major editions (1.0-RC3, 1.0-FINAL, 1.1). Please do contact us at [email protected] if you would like to share some thoughts.
Credits for 1.0 RC-2
Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team
Tomasz Kikowski @qiqqq - My Orders tab + fixes
Bartek Igielski @Igloczek - Lerna support
Mike Sheward @MikeSheward - Stripe Payments + Payments Gateway
Akbar Abdrakhmanov @akbarik - Discount codes, Payments Gateway
Filip Rakowski @filrak - Core fixes
Damian Fiałkiewicz @Aekal - BaseInput form refactor
Anthuan Vásquez @anthuanvasquez - Spanish Translation
Nacim Idjakirène @nacimux - French Translation
@unherz - German Translation
Tjitse Efde - @Tjitse-E - Dutch Translation
Anna Karon @anqaka - "View all" Category sidebar fix
Elias Kotyar @EliasKotlyar - doc fixes
Stasiek Świątkiewicz @StasiekDivante - UX tests + improvements
Karol Bzik @karolbzik - product design + UI tests
Raymond Wojtala - user support
If you want to appear on this list with the next release, don't hesitate to become a contributor. Just drop us an e-mail to [email protected]
We're extremely excited to present you the 1.0 Release Candidate! In this release, we were focused on the developer experience. Among cool new features added, most tasks were focused on: stability, extensibility, code quality.
Our approach was to better prepare Vue Storefront for production deployments and for further development. Now it's far easier to create the extensions and themes. Users can not only override the base components but also modify the webpack configuration or to have separated package.json files
. A lot of new events have been added and the developer's documentation has been extended.
We separated the core
from the src
folder as well to allow us to publish the official vue-storefront
npm package in the next release (1st of April: 1.0).
What's important for the developers relying on Vue Storefront - the extensions/themes API and structure wouldn't be drastically modified after this release.
If you already have our demo access please check it out - if not please visit:
Key new features
- i18n (internationalization) support for the UI,
- support for Magento2 dynamic cart totals - which enables the shopping cart rules mechanism of Magento to work with VS,
- eslint-plugin-vue installed,
- CSS properties moved to atomic classes
- new SASS structure,
- architectural change:
extracted fromsrc
- preparation for publishing the official npm package, - refactored
stores - we separated actions, getters and the state for better maintainability, - UI improvements: look & feel, accessibility, color palette normalization,
can be now managed by theme developers,service-workers
config can be now extended by theme developers,- droppoints shipping methods (NL support) added (#665).
Better docs
We've published quite a few new docs in this release! Please take a look at for Table of Contents.
We're trying to map all the feature requirements for next major editions (1.0, 1.1, 1.2). Please do contact us at [email protected] if you would like to share some thoughts.
Credits for 1.0 RC
Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team
Please do warmly welcome our new contributors!
- Anna Karon @anqaka - bug fixing,
- Thomas Thune @thomasthune - droppoints shipping method,
- Michał Gałężewski @PanMisza - eslint-plugin-vue support
- Tomasz Kikowski @qiqqq - themes extensibility + refactoring
- Marcin Lasak - @marlass - webpack extensibility for theme developers,
The release wouldn't have happened without our Core Team:
- Filip Rakowski @filrak - architecture design, project and release management
- Adam Marcinkowski @mercs600 - CSS + palette refactor,
- Paweł Szafrański @szafran89 - vuex stores refactor,
- Damian Fiałkiewicz @Aekal - new sass structure, accessibility improvements, task management,
- Akbar Abdrakhmanov @akbarik - docs, refactoring
- Karol Bzik @karolbzik - product design + UI tests
If you want to appear on this list with the next release, don't hesitate to become a contributor. Just drop us an e-mail to [email protected]
Customer's dashboard, Pimcore support, UI tunning
We're extremely excited to present you the biggest and most feature-rich release of Vue Storefront so far!
This version consists of 50 new features and a lot of fixes including tremendous mobile UI optimization and support for Pimcore eCommerce Framework!
If you already have our demo access please check it out - if not please visit:
Key new features
- Improved theming support + B2B product catalog theme included (original github repo); it's PoC made in just one week! Isn't it amazing that you can customize VS in just one week to this extent? :)
- Pimcore support (more on this, github repo)
- Customer's dashboard + address book, integration with Checkout
- Adjustments on product card on mobile #488
- Adjustments on home page on mobile #456
- Rebuilt checkout - UI + customer accounts support #487
- Google Analytics eCommerce extension #494
- order_2_magento rebuilt from scratch, supporting customer accounts and authorized carts #504
- Real-time cart synchronization with Magento - (last step before synchronizing the checkout promo rules with Magento!)
- Product comparison #322
- Themes refactor
- Lot of smaller tweaks
Better docs
We've published a new docs regarding theming support. Thanks to @filrak and @akbarik for their great effort on that:
Credits for 0.4.0
Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team
- Akbar Abdrakhmanov @akbarik - Customer dashboard - it was huge!
- Filip Rakowski @filrak - B2B theme + better-theming support
- Paweł Szafrański @szafran89 - product page refactor + lot of UI improvements
- Michael Bottens @mtbottens and Abdul Hafeez @hafeez3000 - Google Analytics support
- Talal Suhail @talalus - Products compare and UI tweaks
- Damian Fiałkiewicz @Aekal - UI tweaks
- Adam Marcinkowski @mercs600 - CR, refactor of Cart module and other UI tweaks
- Ross @rossmc - most of the Home page, and mobile improvements
- Karol Bzik @karolbzik - product design of B2B catalog + UI tests
If you wan't to appear on this list with the next release, don't hesitate to become contributor. Just drop us an e-mail to: [email protected]
Taxes, Stocks, User Accounts, Newsletter and fixes
We're thrilled to present your new version of Vue Storefront! It was a long month since we released the previous one. More than 50 new features have been added! This release is extremely important because we managed to include the most demanded and key features, required to start commercial implementations!
For public demo access please visit:
Key features
- Bundle products support (#347, #94)
- Tax calculation regarding the Magento's logic for different rates per countries, states ... (#446, #437, #218)
- User registration, log-in, password reset (#4, #198)
- Refactor of Product and Category pages with support for updating product photos regarding selected filters (red t-shirts are now red on the list etc)
- MailChimp support,
- Stock Quantity check support (#10, #180, #342)
- Special prices for products (catalog rules) are now fully supported for simple, bundled and configurable products,
- 404 page (#423) :),
- Checkout tweaks and refactor,
- Offline notification badge,
- Wishlist (#346),
- Cookie notification bar (#371)
- Security improvements (checksums for client-side processed data - #291)
- Lot of UI tweaks and refactors,
- Updated installer with support for Linux and MacOSX (#438)
Credits for 0.3.0
Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team
- Akbar Abdrakhmanov @akbarik - Checkout refactor, 404 page, installer refactor + tests
- Talal Suhail @talalus - Cookie notification bar, minor UI tweaks
- Damian Fiałkiewicz @Aekal - Login, Registration, Password reset pop-ups,
- Kacper Knapik @kacperknapik - Massive refactor on Product page, support for variant switching based on Category filters
- Matias Benavides @matibenav - Wishlist feature
- Luke Collymore @collymore - Wishlist and search mobile icons
- Mike Sheward @BlitZ-UK- Dynamic loaders
- Filip Rakowski @filrak - Refactoring
- Dmitry Schegolihin @dimasch - Bugfixing
- Adam Marcinkowski @mercs600 - Onboarding popup, some cool new features, frontend
- Karol Bzik @karolbzik - product design + UI
If you wan't to appear on this list with the next release, don't hesitate to become contributor. Just drop us an e-mail to: [email protected]
Proof of Concept with checkout
We're proudly anouncing first, working version of vue-storefront which is showing the key concepts and features of this Progressive Web App!
Key working features
- Homepage
- Category page
- Product page
- Cart
- Checkout + validation
- Basic Search
- Magento2 synchronization: products, attributes, media, categories, orders
- Offline support using service workers + indexedDb
- PWA manifest + basic optimizations
- SSR support
- Filters + Configurable products
- RWD (except some checkout issues to be fixed)
ToDo roadmap
- Taxes
- Special prices
- User accounts
- Security hardening (checksums, etc)
Core team
Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team
- Filip Rakowski @filrak - UI framework + frontend
- Karol Bzik @karolbzik - product design + UI
- Patryk Mazur @patrykpiston - frontend, RWD ...
- Adam Marcinkowski @mercs600 - cool new features, frontend
- Alex Yeremenko @madonzy - our marvelous installer
- Luke Collymore @collymore - search feature
- Piotr Karwatka @pkarw - some boring backend stuff ;)