.NET 5.0
Project uses an SQLite database. If you wish to inspect it, I recommend downloading DB Browser for SQLite
Install dotnet-ef CLI if you do not have it already:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Please follow these steps to reproduce the issue:
Run these commands:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration
dotnet ef database update
dotnet run
- this will insert one item into db.
The state of the Offers table should be:Id Score_Score someGuid 14.0 -
Comment out the code marked with "! Comment out (step 2)" in Model.cs.
Uncomment the code marked with "! Uncomment (step 3)" in Model.cs and Program.cs.
dotnet ef migrations add ScoreComponents
dotnet ef database update
The state of the Offers table should now be:Id Score_Score Score_DeliveryTypeScore someGuid 14.0 NULL -
dotnet run
or debug the project and you should recieve the error resulting from the whole
Score owned entity being null, although one of its properties Score_Score has value.
This issue can be reproduced with any number of properties that have some value - as long as one of them is null, the whole owned entity object is returned as null.