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Releases: w3c/dpv

DPV 2.1 Release Candidate

04 Feb 11:45
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DPV 2.1 Release Candidate


We're pleased to present Static Badge Release Candidate (RC) as the completion of the past 6 months of work, and request your
feedback/review. We plan to release this a final/stable release if there are no major issues/concerns identified by FEB-16.

There are no major breaking changes or incompatibilities between 2.1 and 2.0. Specific potential and minor breaking changes are mentioned in the changelog for each specification. Going ahead, we do not foresee major breaking changes in the future release which is tentatively labelled 2.2.

In total, DPV 2.1 and all its extensions contain 9167 concepts, and compared to 2.0 - 6553 concepts have been added and 133 concepts removed.

List of DPV Vocabularies


Thanks to the following members of the DPVCG (ordered alphabetically):

Also thanks to the following people:

  • Daniel Doherty @drd00 for providing bias categories based on ISO
  • Patrick Hochstenbach @phochste, Per Hallgren @perhallgren, and Junli
    Liang junli-liang-johnny for reporting broken terms/links.

In addition to the above, this release also marks the completion of PhDs. by Dr. Delaram Golpayegani and Dr. Beatriz Esteves whose theses have been instrumental in the development of the DPV specifications. Congratulations to both!

DPV 2.0

01 Aug 13:56
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DPV 2.0 Release 🎉

The DPVCG is proud to present Static Badge - a major release that significantly improves and expands the scope and usefulness as compared to DPV 1.0.

The article Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) -- Version 2 by Pandit et al. (2024), accepted for presentation at the 23rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2024), describes DPV 2.0 in terms of its contents, methodology, current adoptions and uses, and future potential. It also describes the relevance and role of DPV in acting as a common vocabulary to support various regulatory (e.g. EU's DGA and AI Act) and community initiatives (e.g. Solid) emerging across the globe. A Search Index of all concepts from DPV and extensions is available.

Summary of Changes

Major Changes

The following are the major changes:

  1. Change in Ontology IRI: DPV 2.0 introduces versioned IRIs e.g. refers to 2.0 and refers to 1.0. The versionless IRI will now always point to the latest version of DPV (which is 2.0 for this release) see more
  2. Change in semantics: The 'default' DPV specification now uses RDFS+SKOS to declare its semantics. DPV using OWL2 semantics is now provided within the same folder with a -owl prefix see more
  3. Change in Scope: The scope of 1.0 concerned processing of personal data and DPV concepts concerned only this scope. In 2.0, the scope has been expanded to include non-personal data and technologies so that concepts such as dpv:Purpose can be used to describe more use-cases see more
  4. Change in repo structure: The folder structure of the repository has been changed to reflect the versioned IRIs. The two folders 1.0 and 2.0 contain the respective versions see more
  5. Change in extension names: Various extensions have been renamed and re-organised for consistency by removing the dpv- prefix e.g. dpv-pd extension in 1.0 has been renamed to pd. New extensions have been added to DPV e.g. AI, LEGAL-US, and EU-AIAct and earlier draft extensions have been further refined e.g. RISK and TECH see more
  6. Do I need to update or change something? Mostly no, except in specific cases. see more
  7. Change in concepts: In total, DPV 2.0 and all its extensions contain 2662 concepts, and compared to 1.0 - 1017 concepts have been added and 805 concepts removed. The count of added and removed concepts include moving concepts between extensions see more
  8. Development process: The development process for DPV has changed to reflect best practices and improvements identified. This includes changes to the way releases are generated by only using the dev branch for ongoing developments and not changing the main branch except for releases see more

Existing and New Extensions

Detailed logs are present in the changelog

  1. DPV total terms: 911 ; added: 311 ; removed: 56
  2. PD total terms: 227 ; added: 22 ; removed: 4
  3. EU-GDPR total terms: 163 ; added: 69 ; removed: 33
  4. LEGAL total terms: 84 ; added: 48 ; removed: 424
  5. LOC total terms: 340 ; added: 8 ; removed: 128
  6. TECH total terms: 134 ; added: 105 ; removed: 52
  7. EU-RIGHTS total terms: 68 ; added: 7 ; removed: 3
  8. RISK total terms: 369 ; added: 81 ; removed: 105
  9. AI total terms: 17 ; added: 17 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  10. Justifications total terms: 71 ; added: 71 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  11. EU-DGA total terms: 66 ; added: 66 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  12. EU-AIAct total terms: 87 ; added: 87 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  13. EU-NIS2 total terms: 14 ; added: 14 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  14. LEGAL-IE total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  15. LEGAL-IN total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  16. LEGAL-DE total terms: 40 ; added: 40 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  17. LEGAL-GB total terms: 9 ; added: 9 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  18. LEGAL-US total terms: 19 ; added: 19 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  19. LEGAL-EU total terms: 27 ; added: 27 ; removed: 0 (new extension)

Release Artefacts

Unlike DPV 1.0, there is only a single file containing all relevant artefacts for the release. This includes both the default RDFS+SKOS serialisation as well as the OWL serialisations (including in Manchester syntax) - which is present in the same folder with suffix -owl in the filename. The folders also contain CSV serialisations of concepts (so please do not use any other CSVs found in the repo as they are not 'production-ready').


Thanks to the following members of the DPVCG:

Also thanks to the following people:

  • Adrian Medina @aamedina for identifying and fixing typos and lapses in documentation
  • Jenni Parry @jenni0608 for missing labels in processing taxonomy
  • Maya Borges @mayaborges, Damien Desfontaines @TedTed, and @derhagen for discussion in #15 regarding anonymisation and pseudonymisation
  • Tek Raj Chhetri @tekrajchhetri for cloud services in TECH extension

P.S. If I have missed anyone here, sincere apologies, please contact me so I can acknowledge your contributions - @coolharsh55

DPV 2.0 Beta

01 Jul 16:25
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DPV 2.0 Beta Release

The DPVCG is proud to present Static Badge - a major release that significantly improves and expands the scope and usefulness as compared to DPV 1.0. This 2.0 release is complete and is now being provided in beta mode for feedback. The period for feedback is until 31 July. The completed 2.0 release will be published after this on 01 August - unless major issues are identified.

The draft article Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) -- Version 2 by Pandit et al. (2024) describes DPV v2 in terms of its contents, methodology, current adoptions and uses, and future potential. It also describes the relevance and role of DPV in acting as a common vocabulary to support various regulatory (e.g. EU's DGA and AI Act) and community initiatives (e.g. Solid) emerging across the globe. A Search Index of all concepts from DPV and extensions is available.

Summary of Changes

Major Changes

The following are the major changes:

  1. Change in Ontology IRI: DPV 2.0 introduces versioned IRIs e.g. refers to 2.0 and refers to 1.0. The versionless IRI will now always point to the latest version of DPV (which is 2.0 for this release) see more
  2. Change in semantics: The 'default' DPV specification now uses RDFS+SKOS to declare its semantics. DPV using OWL2 semantics is now provided within the same folder with a -owl prefix see more
  3. Change in Scope: The scope of 1.0 concerned processing of personal data and DPV concepts concerned only this scope. In 2.0, the scope has been expanded to include non-personal data and technologies so that concepts such as dpv:Purpose can be used to describe more use-cases see more
  4. Change in repo structure: The folder structure of the repository has been changed to reflect the versioned IRIs. The two folders 1.0 and 2.0 contain the respective versions see more
  5. Change in extension names: Various extensions have been renamed and re-organised for consistency by removing the dpv- prefix e.g. dpv-pd extension in 1.0 has been renamed to pd. New extensions have been added to DPV e.g. AI, LEGAL-US, and EU-AIAct and earlier draft extensions have been further refined e.g. RISK and TECH see more
  6. Do I need to update or change something? Mostly no, except in specific cases. see more
  7. Change in concepts: In total, DPV 2.0 and all its extensions contain 2662 concepts, and compared to 1.0 - 1017 concepts have been added and 805 concepts removed. The count of added and removed concepts include moving concepts between extensions see more
  8. Development process: The development process for DPV has changed to reflect best practices and improvements identified. This includes changes to the way releases are generated by only using the dev branch for ongoing developments and not changing the main branch except for releases see more

Existing and New Extensions

Detailed logs are present in the changelog

  1. DPV total terms: 911 ; added: 311 ; removed: 56
  2. PD total terms: 227 ; added: 22 ; removed: 4
  3. EU-GDPR total terms: 163 ; added: 69 ; removed: 33
  4. LEGAL total terms: 84 ; added: 48 ; removed: 424
  5. LOC total terms: 340 ; added: 8 ; removed: 128
  6. TECH total terms: 134 ; added: 105 ; removed: 52
  7. EU-RIGHTS total terms: 68 ; added: 7 ; removed: 3
  8. RISK total terms: 369 ; added: 81 ; removed: 105
  9. AI total terms: 17 ; added: 17 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  10. Justifications total terms: 71 ; added: 71 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  11. EU-DGA total terms: 66 ; added: 66 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  12. EU-AIAct total terms: 87 ; added: 87 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  13. EU-NIS2 total terms: 14 ; added: 14 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  14. LEGAL-IE total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  15. LEGAL-IN total terms: 8 ; added: 8 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  16. LEGAL-DE total terms: 40 ; added: 40 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  17. LEGAL-GB total terms: 9 ; added: 9 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  18. LEGAL-US total terms: 19 ; added: 19 ; removed: 0 (new extension)
  19. LEGAL-EU total terms: 27 ; added: 27 ; removed: 0 (new extension)

Release Artefacts

Unlike DPV 1.0, there is only a single file containing all relevant artefacts for the release. This includes both the default RDFS+SKOS serialisation as well as the OWL serialisation - which is present in the same folder with suffix -owl in the filename. The folders also contain CSV serialisations of concepts (so please do not use any other CSVs found in the repo as they are not 'production-ready').


Thanks to the following members of the DPVCG:

Also thanks to the following people:

  • Adrian Medina @aamedina for identifying and fixing typos and lapses in documentation
  • Jenni Parry @jenni0608 for missing labels in processing taxonomy
  • Maya Borges @mayaborges, Damien Desfontaines @TedTed, and @derhagen for discussion in #15 regarding anonymisation and pseudonymisation
  • Tek Raj Chhetri @tekrajchhetri for cloud services in TECH extension

P.S. If I have missed anyone here, sincere apologies, please contact me so I can acknowledge your contributions - @coolharsh55

DPV v1

05 Dec 09:26
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The release announcement is available at along with links to the published final reports for the following vocabularies and documents:

  • DPV
  • DPV-PD
  • Primer
  • Guide for using DPV in OWL2

Along with these, other vocabularies and documents are provided in draft form:

  • DPV-Legal
  • DPV-Tech
  • Risk
  • Rights
  • Use-Cases
  • Examples

DPV v0.9

28 Oct 18:02
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This is the last point/minor version before v1 release. It makes the following changes:


  • Location: added City, PrivateLocation, PubliclyLocation
  • Legal Basis: added LegitimateInterestOfDataSubject
  • Organisational Measures: added ReviewImpactAssessmentAdequacy, ReviewProcedure, ReviewImpactAssessmentConformance, ConsultationWithDataSubjectRepresentative, ReviewImpactAssessment
  • Personal Data: renamed PseudoAnonymisedData to PseudonymisedData
  • Processing Context: added ScoringOfIndividuals and EvaluationOfIndividuals
  • Processing: renamed PseudoAnonymise to Pseudonymise
  • Purpose: renamed CreatePersonalizedRecommendations to CreatePersonalisedRecommendations
  • Status: added hasLawfulness, Lawfulness, NonConformant, LawfulnessUnkown, ConformanceStatus, Unlawful, Conformant, Lawful
  • Technical Measures: fixed pseudonymisation spelling in RNGPseudoanonymisation, MonotonicCounterPseudoanonymisation, EncryptionInRest, PseudoAnonymisation, Pseudoanonymisation. Added EncryptionInUse. Deleted duplicates of Pseudonymisation.
  • Rights: new module for Rights concepts, with additions of Active and Passive rights, and RightExercise information (work in progress).


It makes the following changes to DPIA: added DPIAConformant, DPIARecommendsProcessingNotContinue, DPIAConformity, DPIARecommendsProcessingContinue, DPIAProcessingRecommendation, DPIANonConformant.


It makes the following changes: added CriminalOffense

DPV v0.8.2

06 Oct 21:30
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DPV v0.8.2 - release candidate for v1.0

While this is a regular 0.x style release, it also acts as the v1.0 release candidate. This means if there are no major issues raised and unable to be resolved, including missing parts, errors or bugs, or requirements that must be added, then after 15-OCT-2022, this version will be re-released as DPV v1.0 along with any further enhancements, fixes, minor additions, or documentations that have been developed until then.

This release includes:

  • Change concepts to use subtype instead of instance for Duration, Frequency, Organisation, Data Subjects, and Location.
  • Change Anonymisation related terms in Technical Measures to disambiguate anonymisation and pseudonymisation, and create a cleaner hierarchy of anonymisation related terms.
  • Update and fix existing terms and labels for clarity of concepts.
  • Fixes #54 re. purpose label
  • Fixes #52 re. describing properties with no domain/range
  • Fixes #51 re. definition of Concept

For more details, see the changelog at

DPV v0.8.1

10 Sep 16:55
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DPV v0.8.1 - release candidate for v1.0

While this is a regular 0.x style release, it also acts as the v1.0 release candidate. This means if there are no major issues raised and unable to be resolved, including missing parts, errors or bugs, or requirements that must be added, then after 15-OCT-2022, this version will be re-released as DPV v1.0 along with any further enhancements, fixes, minor additions, or documentations that have been developed until then.

This release includes:

  • risks and rights have been added to DPV
  • missing OWL/Manchester syntax files have been added/fixed
  • consistent author affiliations
  • funding acknowledgements
  • MS-Office Excel (.xlsx) export format


DPV v0.8

26 Aug 14:56
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v0.8: adds risk, rights extensions; introduces major changes

DPV releases are now provided as .zip files for each serialisation


  • #40 script for creating releases (see script 803)
  • risk extension at /dpv/risk
  • rights extension at /dpv/rights, currently only provides EU's Charter
    of Fundamental Rights at dpv/rights/eu
  • DPIA concepts in DPV-GDPR
  • Better modularisation of concepts, Context -> Status,
    ProcessingContext -> ProcessingScale, LegalBasis -> special category
    personal data, data transfer
  • Adds OWL-Manchester syntax output for DPV-OWL


  • Fixes #37 Fixes #41 Adds property domains/ranges in HTML
  • Fixes #44 dpv-tech properties incorrect domain/range
  • Fixes label consistency (dct:title -> skos:prefLabel or rdfs:label)
  • Remove SKOS concepts from DPV-OWL

NOTE: The documentation (e.g. human readable introductions and explanations) will be updated in the coming days. This release only updates the RDF serialisations and auto-generated HTML pages.

DPV v0.7

25 May 21:02
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v0.7 adds some concepts to the Context, Processing, Purposes, and DPV-PD modules. It fixes minor issues: missing '#' in preferred namespace URI and additional "<" in concept tables.

DPV v0.6

25 May 21:02
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This version updates the DPV to v0.6, which adds the Data Subject
categories and makes minor changes to the Risk module.

It fixes inconsistencies in ontology metadata:

  • DPV-SKOS ontologies utilised the wrong metadata
  • SPECIAL project links have been updated to the ERCIM archive as the
    previous ones were not resolvable
  • other minor fixes