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Writing Outcomes as User Needs

Jeanne Spellman edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 3 revisions

Writing Outcomes as User Needs

Basic Information

Primary Point of Contact: Jeanne Spellman and Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Planning

Assigned to: Silver Task Force

IRC channel: [] channel:#silver

Friday 10:00AM ET - Zoom Call Info (requires password)

== Current Work ==

== Minutes ==

== Issues and Comments == [ number) Issues relating to (Topic)]

== Referenced Research ==

  • Silver Archives These are links to the work that has already been done related to writing process and identifying user needs. It has been updated with the flow analysis that the Errors group pioneered. WCAG to Silver Migration Outline Map - document produced by the SIlver F2F meeting of 12 March 2019 that roughly groups existing WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria by user need.

  • Template for Content Creation Process - this is the template for starting all new guideline work. The Part 1 Define Flows and User Need is applicable to this exercise.

  • Content Creation Process for Migrating WCAG SC - This gives the instruction for the template. It includes the step by step process that the Errors group did to Inventory User Flows, Identify User Action, Common User Needs, Unique User Needs, Functional Needs, and List of Barriers encountered by different groups. (I note that this could be useful for developing critical errors.)

Guideline User Need Analysis documents:

== Key Decisions Agreed On with Date ==

== Working Document History ==

== Participants == Silver Task Force