Analytics middleware
A Headless Content & Product Management System
* ADMIN_FUNCTIONALITY = < true/false >
* USER_FUNCTIONALITY = < true/false >
* PAYMENT_SYSTEM = < true/false >
* POST_FUNCTIONALITY = < true/false >
* COMMENT_FUNCTIONALITY = < true/false >
* *BASE_URL = https://www.< (PRODUCTION ONLY) Url of Site >
* PORT = < Chosen port here >
* MONGO_URI = < Mongo uri goes here >
* EMAIL_PASSWORD = < Email password >
* EMAIL = < Email to send verification >
* MAILER_URL = < Url for email >
* SECRET_KEY = < Your secret goes here >
* "executed: false" --> Unexpected Error
* "status: false" --> Expected Error
- Routes check params if they are ascii ( ex. validator.isAscii(param) )
- Collection functions check params if they are specific type ( Ex. validator.isEmail(param) )
- Set up base URL in ENV
- Set up secret in ENV
- Disable creating an admin account
- MongoDB password change
- Prepare mongoDB for more data
- Uncomment Expiration on tokens
- Stop user from deleting a comment
- Save unedited version of comment as well.
- Increase comment count on pages
- Increase Post Counts on Page
- Set encryption key for secrey key in env
- Create subscription products
- Price objects for each will have 1 day trial (24 hour buffer)