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A SQL query builder based on Knex with powerful TypeScript type support. Intergrated Tracing of OpenTelemetry. Declarative Transaction via decorator @transactional


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A SQL query builder based on Knex with powerful TypeScript type support. Intergrated Tracing of OpenTelemetry. Declarative Transaction via decorator @Transactional

GitHub tag License ci codecov


Install global deps for development

npm i -g c8 lerna madge rollup tsx zx


npm i kmore && npm i -D kmore-cli
// for Midway.js
npm i @mwcp/kmore && npm i -D kmore-cli

# Then add one of the following:
npm install pg
npm install pg-native
npm install mssql
npm install oracle
npm install sqlite3


Basic usage

Build configuration:

Edit the package.json

  "script": {
    "build": "tsc -b && npm run db:gen",
    "db:gen": "kmore gen --path src/ test/",
    "db:gen-cjs": "kmore gen --path src/ test/ --format cjs"

Create connection

import { KnexConfig, kmoreFactory, genDbDict } from 'kmore'

// connection config
export const config: KnexConfig = {
  client: 'pg',
  connection: {
    host: 'localhost',
    user: 'postgres',
    password: 'foo',
    database: 'db_ci_test',

// Define database model
export interface Db {
  tb_user: UserDo
  tb_user_ext: UserExtDo

export interface UserDo {
  uid: number
  name: string
  ctime: Date
export interface UserExtDo {
  uid: number
  age: number
  address: string

const dict = genDbDict<Db>()
export const km = kmoreFactory({ config, dict })

Create tables with instance of knex

await km.dbh.schema
  .createTable('tb_user', (tb) => {
    tb.string('name', 30)
    tb.timestamp('ctime', { useTz: false })
  .createTable('tb_user_ext', (tb) => {
    tb.string('address', 255)
  .catch((err: Error) => {
    assert(false, err.message)

Inert rows via auto generated table accessor

Snake style

// auto generated accessor tb_user() and tb_user_detail()
const { tb_user, tb_user_detail } = km.refTables

await tb_user()
    { user_name: 'user1', ctime: new Date() }, // ms
    { user_name: 'user2', ctime: 'now()' }, // μs

const affectedRows = await tb_user_detail()
    { uid: 1, age: 10, user_address: 'address1' },
    { uid: 2, age: 10, user_address: 'address1' },

Camel style

import { RecordCamelKeys } from '@waiting/shared-types'

// auto generated accessors tb_user() and tb_user_detail() 
const { tb_user, tb_user_detail } = km.camelTables

interface UserDO {
  user_name: string
  ctime: date | string
type UserDTO = RecordCamelKeys<UserDO>

const users: UserDTO[] = await tb_user()
    { userName: 'user1', ctime: new Date() }, // ms
    { userName: 'user2', ctime: 'now()' }, // μs

Smart Join tables with types hint and auto complete

const uid = 1

// tb_user JOIN tb_user_ext ON tb_user_ext.uid = tb_user.uid
const ret = await km.camelTables.tb_user()
  .where({ uid }) // <-- has auto-complete with 'uid'
  // .where('uid', uid)   <-- has auto-complete with 'uid'
  // .where('tb_user_ext_uid', uid) <-- has auto-complete with 'tb_user_ext_uid'
  // .where(km.dict.scoped.tb_user.uid, 1)
  .then(rows => rows[0])

ret.tb_user_ext_uid   // <-- duplicate uid will be converted with table prefix like "<tb_name>_<column>"

More examples of join see joint-table

Auto Paging

  • RawType:

    const options: Partial<PagingOptions> = {
      page: 2,      // default 1
      pageSize: 20, // default 10
    const users = await tables.tb_user().autoPaging(options)
    // not enumerable properties of pager
    const { 
      total,    // total records
      page,     // current page number, start from 1
      pageSize, // size of items each page
    } = users
    const [ user ] = users
  • WrapType:

    const options: Partial<PagingOptions> = {
      page: 2,      // default 1
      pageSize: 20, // default 10
    const users = await tables.tb_user().autoPaging(options, true)
    assert(! Array.isArray(users))
    // enumerable properties of pager
    const { 
      total,    // total records
      page,     // current page number, start from 1
      pageSize, // size of items each page
      rows,     // response records
    } = users
    const [ user ] = users.rows

More examples of auto paging see auto-paing

Declarative Transaction


  • not apply on base class
  • apply AsyncFunction only, means every result of query builder must be "await"ed
  • transaction propagation current supports only:
    • PropagationType.REQUIRED
    • PropagationType.SUPPORTS


  • Class decorator

    import { Init, Inject, Singleton } from '@midwayjs/core'
    import { Transactional } from '@mwcp/kmore'
    @Transactional()  // <-- 
    export class UserRepo {
      @Inject() dbManager: DbManager<'master', Db>
      tb_user: Kmore<Db>['camelTables']['tb_user']
      tb_user_ext: Kmore<Db>['camelTables']['tb_user_ext']
      async init(): Promise<void> {
        const db = this.dbManager.getDataSource('master')
        this.tb_user = db.camelTables.tb_user
        this.tb_user_ext = db.camelTables.tb_user_ext
      async getUsers(): Promise<UserDTO[]> {
        const users = await this.tb_user()
        return users
      // will throw error
      wrongUsage() {
        return this.tb_user()
  • Method decorator

    export class UserRepo {
      @Inject() dbManager: DbManager<'master', Db>
      tb_user: Kmore<Db>['camelTables']['tb_user']
      tb_user_ext: Kmore<Db>['camelTables']['tb_user_ext']
      async init(): Promise<void> {
        const db = this.dbManager.getDataSource('master')
        this.tb_user = db.camelTables.tb_user
        this.tb_user_ext = db.camelTables.tb_user_ext
      @Transactional()  // <--
      async getUsers(): Promise<UserDTO[]> {
        const users = await this.tb_user()
        return users

Use instance of knex

// drop table
await km.dbh.raw(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "${tb}" CASCADE;`).then()

// disconnect
await km.dbh.destroy()

Midway.js component


// file: src/config/config.{prod | local | unittest}.ts

import { genDbDict } from 'kmore-types'
import { KmoreSourceConfig } from '@mwcp/kmore'
import { TbAppDO, TbMemberDO } from '../do/'

export interface Db {
  tb_app: TbAppDO
  tb_user: TbMemberDO

export const dbDict = genDbDict<Db>()

const master: DbConfig<Db> = {
  config: {
    client: 'pg',
    connection: {
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 5432,
      database: 'db_test',
      user: 'postgres',
      password: 'password',
  dict: dbDict,
export const kmoreConfig: KmoreSourceConfig = {
  dataSource: {
    // slave,


import { Init, Inject, Singleton } from '@midwayjs/core'

export class UserRepo {

  @Inject() dbManager: DbManager<'master' | 'slave', Db>

  protected db: Kmore<Db>

  async init(): Promise<void> {
    this.db = this.dbManager.getDataSource('master')

  async getUser(uid: number): Promise<UserDTO | undefined> {
    const { tb_user } = this.db.camelTables
    const user = await tb_user()
      .where({ uid })
      .then(rows => rows[0])
    return user



kmore is comprised of many specialized packages. This repository contains all these packages. Below you will find a summary of each package.

Package Version
kmore kmore-svg
kmore-types types-svg
kmore-cli cli-svg
@mwcp/kmore mw-svg





A SQL query builder based on Knex with powerful TypeScript type support. Intergrated Tracing of OpenTelemetry. Declarative Transaction via decorator @transactional








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