A user-friendly node for configurable retry handling in Node-RED flows.
- Limit number of retry approaches.
- Different retry strategies:
- Immediate
- Fixed Delay
- Random Delay
- Routing/Re-Throwing of subsequent errors if retries limit is exceeded.
You can install the nodes using the Node-RED 'Manage palette' in the side bar.
Or run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED installation
npm install @waldbaer/node-red-retry
Changes can be followed here.
- Add a retry node before a flow section which might fail.
- Add a catch node and catch all errors of the node(s) which might fail with errors. It is recommended to catch only errors from the potentially failing nodes (catch node option: Catch errors from 'selected nodes').
- Connect the output of the catch node to the input of the retry node.
- Set max. number of retry approaches
- Configure used retry strategy.
- Optional: Enable throwing of every subsequent error
as error if the retries limit is exceeded.
Import into Node-RED instance via Node-RED -> Import -> Examples -> @waldbaer/node-red-retry.