1. Introduction | 2. Getting started | 3. Configuration options | 4. Entity Generation | 5. CRUD Generation | 6. Enum Generation | 7. Form Generation | 8. Voter Generation | 9. Datatable Generation | 10. Overriding twig files | 11. Extending this bundle
The ideal situation is finding a generator that fits your exact needs. Depending on what you want this may not be very likely, so you may have to create your own generator or find a generator you want to override.
The SensioGeneratorBundle contains lots of usefull features, but a huge drawback is it's impossible to extend due to the fact many methods are private or contain way too many lines of codes. Adding a small piece of own code would quickly result in completely rewriting large chunks of code.
As a result of this hard extensibility, the WameGeneratorBundle is mostly rewritten code. In this process lots of refactoring is done to make it much easier to extend or override code.