1. Introduction | 2. Getting started | 3. Configuration options | 4. Entity Generation | 5. CRUD Generation | 6. Enum Generation | 7. Form Generation | 8. Voter Generation | 9. Datatable Generation | 10. Overriding twig files | 11. Extending this bundle
command: wame:generate:form
For an entity a form can be generated either during CRUD generation or if you wish to generate the form only, you can use this form-command.
You can directly specify the entity class name in the argument.
php bin/console wame:generate:form Product
If you need to generate the form for an entity in a different bundle than the default bundle, you can use the shortcut notation:
php bin/console wame:generate:form AcmeBundle:Product
Add this option if you want to overwrite the file if it already exists.