- Checkout branch.
- See that "HangmanTesting" project does not load/is not found in solution explorer.
- Right click "HangmanTesting" project in solution explorer and select "Remove".
- Right click on "Solution 'Hangman'" in solution explorer and select "Add > Existing Project"
- Navigate to repo on local hard disk and select "Hangman\HangmanTesting\HangmanTesting.csproj"
- See that HangmanTesting project now loads.
- In solution explorer, under the HangmanTesting project open Dependencies, right click on "Packages" and select "Update..." then select all available updates and apply them.
- In solution explorer's top bar, select "Show All Files" to see hidden files in the solution.
- Right click on the folder titled "HangmanTesting" under the Hangman project, select "Exclude From Project".
You can now open test explorer and use the build & run all tests to run the existing tests.
Before you make a commit and push to your branch you MUST perform steps 8 and 9 again to re-include the testing folder into the project or github loses its mind and either doesn't upload them, or doesn't download them again.