this is a template for building a microservice project in kubernetes. This will allow to create multiple microservices
communicating with each other, persistent data using mongodb, a functional react app using redux to communicate with the
microservices, and a detailed plan to add microservices and deploy to digital ocean.
Link to LucidChart architecture overview
- Template for multiple microservices and how they communicate with each other:
- Error handling, middlewares and Models for nodejs in common code:
- How to handle errors on the microservices
- Middlewares for different functionalities and their implementation in the microservices
- Models and their implementation of hashing and class methods
- React setup with Redux:
- Functional react communicating with microservices
- Using redux to send requests
- Deployment instruction to digital ocean
- How to set up digital ocean
- How to deploy the k8s to the managed kubernetes of digital ocean
- How to set up persistent data in digital ocean
- What can be still be added
- MongoDB sharding/distributed across multiple nodes
- MongoDB replication
##How to start the project
- install Docker desktop and kubernetes
- Install ingress nginx by running this command (Same command as Mac):
- overwrite the local host to point to a URL, it should be the same as the host in the ingress controller file:
- Modify hosts file of widows and write the desired url next to the ip
the host file
path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
the ingress controller file
- host:
- start the desired services/deployments inside the k8s folder and run the ingress-controller file
kubectl apply -f <name_of_files>
- you can access the url specified in the host with the specified routes
- Create a new server (using the template if it's a nodejs server) with the desired routes (the routes and port should be unique)
- Dockerize the server and push it to docker hub
- Create a kubernetes deployment and service using the files inside the k8s folder as a template
- Add the database and setup persistent data if needed. Again, use the files inside k8s folder as a template
- Add the microservice to the ingress-controller file, as a new element of the array path, while specifying the correct port, service name, and the path reserved to that service
paths: - path: /auth/?(.*) backend: serviceName: auth-srv servicePort: 3000
- Add the commands to stop/deploy the yaml files and docker images in and
- run ./scripts/
all errors will be handled by error-handler.js all we need to do is import it in index.js file:
error-handler.js is a middleware to handle all of the errors inside the nodejs servers
require-auth.js is a middleware to get the token from the headers and verify it. Need to be passed for all routes that need auth
validate-request.js is a middleware that will take the req and throw an error if the params are not correctly setup
The models are in the common/models folder. There's the User and Password model to compare different passwords
- go to the types.js file and add the desired enums
- go to the reducer file and add your new reducer file with the logic to handle the enums and state
- add action file and add you logic
- go to the component and bring it
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
call this in App.js to load user as soon as they log in the page. We set the deffault header and store the token in local storage
- start kubernetes cluster
- install doctl
- create api key in digital ocean
- doct auth init (from powershell)
- series of commands to connect digital ocean context locally
- doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save <cluster_name (i.e backend-template)>
- now we are connected to cloud kubernetes
- doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save <cluster_name (i.e backend-template)>
- install ingress nginx: kubectl apply -f
- to watch ingress status: kubectl get pods -n ingress-nginx -l --watch
- to see contexts: kubectl config view
- to switch context: kubectl config use-context
- create droplet
- ssh into droplet: ssh [email protected]
- install and run
- wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
- sudo apt-get install gnupg
- wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
- echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
- ps --no-headers -o comm 1
- sudo service mongod start
- sudo service mongod status (check the status)
- sudo service mongod stop (to stop mongodb)
- sudo service mongod restart (to restart mongodb)
- mongo (to start the database)
- create an admin user and connect to it
- use admin
db.createUser({ user: "root", pwd: "root", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]})
- enable auth - sudo vi /etc/mongod.conf - uncomment security and add ```shell ... security: authorization: "enabled" ... ``` - sudo service mongod restart (restard mongodb_ - To connect - mongo -u root -p --authenticationDatabase admin
- configure firewall
- sudo ufw enable
- sudo ufw allow 27017 or sudo ufw allow from your_trusted_server_ip/32 to any port 27017 (your_trusted_server_ip=)
- sudo ufw status
-configure mongo to listen to remote server
- sudo vi /etc/mongod.conf
- add the droplet server ip
# network interfaces net: port: 27017 bindIp:,mongodb_server_ip
- sudo service mongod restart