We've already set you up with an API for capturing your favorite embarrassing quotes – Quotes, Inc. We've thrown in a few styles for you, too, but you might have to mimic some class names and templates. Feel free to delete our style and fancy it up on your own.
Your goal will be to switch an Express JSON API to render views. It's up to you to take it from JSON to EJS, and we haven't given you a lot to start with. It'll help you practice installing the tools you need and setting them up from scratch.
Use EJS to create views for your RESTful routing as follows:
- An index page to see all quotes
- A page to create new quotes with a form
- partials that get rendered on each page:
- head
- header
- footer
Render forms that submit data back to our Express app to make a full-stack app
Do as much as you can – the more complete the better – but bare minimum you should strive to create an index & a new page to POST to your create action.
Do your best to make it stylish, bonus points for pretty.