Important: this module is now deprecated, please use the corresponding package in the weacast monorepo.
Probing forecast model plugin for Weacast
npm install weacast-probe --save
// Or with Yarn
yarn add weacast-probe
The Weacast docs are loaded with awesome stuff and tell you everything you need to know about using and configuring Weacast. Some details about this plugin can be found here.
Here's an example of a Weacast server that uses weacast-probe
import probePlugin from 'weacast-probe'
module.exports = function() {
const app = this
// Set up our plugin services
While it is a WIP and not yet pushed to NPM, or when developing this plugin, please clone this repository and use npm link:
// Clone and link the plugin
git clone
cd weacast-probe
npm link
// Clone and link plugin to weacast server
cd ..
git clone
cd weacast
cd api
npm link weacast-probe
As this module also depends on weacast-core you have to do the same thing for it.
Copyright (c) 2017
Licensed under the MIT license.