Random avatar generator created for the community of STEEM platforms.
Some STEEM users don't like uploading their own picture to the platfrom for security or privacy reasons. Our goal with this project is to provide all the users a nice option of graphics for their profile picture, so they have something funny and don't compromise their privacity.
The idea is based on the website cat avatar generator by David Revoy and Andreas Gohr.
If you want to use this project for learning or to make your own project, just fork this repository or download it to your PC. You need a code editor software like ATOM and a server in order to open .php files.
Just open the index.php file.
Please check contribute.md for further info on this.
09/12/17 Started the project with the original files at: http://wearecodex.com/steem-avatars/plankton/
16/01/18 Changed the repository name to fit the new idea of having all the STEEM user level in the same page.