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This chart bootstraps WebSight CE deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


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WebSight Charts

Version: 2.2.1 Type: application AppVersion: 1.24.13

This chart bootstraps WebSight CMS deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

WebSight is a Digitial Experience Platform driven by the enterprise-grade CMS.


  • Kubernetes cluster with at least 4 GB memory and 1 CPU (8 GB/2 CPU if you want to run CMS with MongoDB).
  • Ingress Controller installed on k8s cluster (you may use e.g. Nginx ingress).
  • Helm 3.8+
  • Kind (optional - for local development)


Quick start

helm upgrade --install websight-cms websight-cms \
  --repo \
  --set cms.ingress.enabled=true \
  --set \
  --namespace websight --create-namespace --wait

This command deploys WebSight CMS on Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration in the websight namespace and waits until the deployment is ready.

WebSight instance will be available at:

The default CMS admin credentials are wsadmin/wsadmin.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the deployment run:

helm uninstall websight-cms -n websight

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


Key Type Default Description
cms.customAdminSecret string nil Name of the secret (without release name prefix) where custom admin password is stored under WS_ADMIN_PASSWORD key
cms.debug.enabled bool false enables debug on port 5005
cms.env list [] environment variables
cms.envsFromConfig list [] List of config maps that will work with configMapRef
cms.envsFromSecret list [] List of secrets that will work with secretRef
cms.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" project image pull policy
cms.image.repository string "" project image repository
cms.image.tag string nil project image tag, overwrites value from .Chart.appVersion
cms.imagePullSecrets list [] cms image pull secrets
cms.ingress.annotations object {"":"5m"} custom CMS ingress annotations
cms.ingress.enabled bool false enables CMS ingress string nil cms host
cms.ingress.ingressClassName string "nginx" ingress class name
cms.ingress.session.cookie object {"expires":172800,"maxAge":172800} nginx ingress affinity settings
cms.ingress.tls.secretName string nil defines the secret name for the TLS certificate, if set, the TLS will be enabled
cms.livenessProbe.enabled bool true enables pods liveness probe
cms.livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
cms.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30
cms.livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 10
cms.livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1
cms.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 3
cms.nodeSelector object nil node selector
cms.persistence.mode string "tar" sets persistence mode, possible options are tar or mongo
cms.persistence.mongo.connectionOptions string "" mongo connection options
cms.persistence.mongo.hosts string "mongodb:27017" comma separated list of mongo hosts
cms.persistence.mongo.passwordSecret string nil secret name where mongo admin password is stored under oak.doc.ns.mongouri.password key, if not set, default "mongoadmin" password will be used
cms.persistence.mongo.username string "mongoadmin" mongo admin username
cms.persistence.tar.size string "2Gi" tar persistance volume size
cms.persistence.tar.storageClassName string "" tar persistance volume storage class
cms.readinessProbe.enabled bool true enables pods readiness probe
cms.readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
cms.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30
cms.readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 30
cms.readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1
cms.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 10
cms.replicas int 1 number of replicas, mind that tar persistence mode will create a StatefulSet, while mongo will create a Deployment
cms.resources object {} container's resources settings
cms.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken bool true automount service account token
cms.serviceAccount.create bool true create service account string nil service account name, if the name is not set, then a name is generated using the cms's fullname template
cms.updateStrategy object {} update strategy, works only for mongo persistence mode
proxy.enabled bool false enables proxy
proxy.env list [] environment variables
proxy.image object {"repository":"nginx","tag":"stable-alpine"} proxy image repository
proxy.imagePullSecrets list [] proxy image pull secrets
proxy.ingress.annotations object {} custom ingress annotations
proxy.ingress.ingressClassName string "nginx" ingress class name
proxy.livenessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":3,"initialDelaySeconds":5,"periodSeconds":5,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1} liveliness probe config
proxy.livenessProbe.enabled bool true enables pods liveness probe
proxy.nodeSelector object nil node selector
proxy.readinessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":3,"initialDelaySeconds":5,"periodSeconds":5,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1} readiness probe config
proxy.readinessProbe.enabled bool true enables pods readiness probe
proxy.replicas int 1 number of replicas
proxy.resources object {} container's resources settings
proxy.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken bool true automount service account token
proxy.serviceAccount.create bool true create service account string nil service account name, if the name is not set, then a name is generated using the proxy's fullname template
proxy.sites object [] site configuration, see the examples/luna-proxy for more details
proxy.updateStrategy object {} update strategy


Running CMS with MongoDB as NodeStore

Note MongoDB support will be available since WebSight CMS version 1.23.0.

  1. Install MongoDB, e.g. with one of the following options:
  • Bitnami Helm Chart

    show commands

    helm install mongodb oci:// --version 14.3.0 \
      --set auth.enabled=true \
      --set auth.rootUser="mongoadmin" \
      --set auth.rootPassword="mongoadmin" \
      -n mongo --create-namespace

  • kubectl and MongoDB docker image

    show commands

    kubectl create namespace mongo
    kubectl -n mongo run mongodb --image=mongo:7 \
      --env MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin \
      --env MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=mongoadmin
    kubectl -n mongo expose pod mongodb --port=27017 --name=mongodb

  1. Install CMS with mode mongo from websight-cms directory:
    helm upgrade --install websight-cms . \
      --set cms.persistence.mode=mongo \
      --set cms.persistence.mongo.hosts='mongodb.mongo:27017' \
      --set cms.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds=60 \
      -n websight --create-namespace

Running CMS with Ngninx proxy

To run CMS with Nginx proxy you need to enable it by setting proxy.enabled to true.

See the luna-proxy example values.yaml file for more details on how to configure Nginx to proxy a particular CMS site.

To run the example, clone this repository and follow the steps below:

  1. Create websight namespace:
    kubectl create namespace websight
  2. From websight-cms directory create Nginx proxy configuration as a ConfigMap
    kubectl -n websight create configmap luna-site-config --from-file=examples/luna-proxy/luna-site.conf.template
  3. From websight-cms directory install CMS with Nginx proxy enabled:
    helm -n websight upgrade --install websight-cms . \
      -f examples/luna-proxy/values.yaml --wait
    CMS should start in 1-2 minutes. The information about available CMS Panel and Luna site should be printed.

Custom CMS admin username and password


Setting custom username and password for the CMS administrator is possible only during the first installation!

By default, the CMS deployment runs an admin panel instance with default wsadmin/wsadmin credentials. To set a custom username and password, use Secret named <Release name>-your-name with WS_ADMIN_USERNAME and WS_ADMIN_PASSWORD values configured and configure cms.envsFromSecret and cms.customAdminSecret accordingly. Create secret in the same namespace where CMS is deployed.


kubectl create secret generic <Release name>-cms-admin -n websight --from-literal WS_ADMIN_USERNAME=myadmin --from-literal WS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=mys3cretPassw0rd


    - cms-admin                # add all `<Release name>-cms-admin` secrets as env variables (this is how CMS reads custom username)
  customAdminSecret: cms-admin # mount `<Release name>-cms-admin` secret for CMS pod and add value from `WS_ADMIN_PASSWORD` key as a secret file (this is how CMS reads custom password)

Local development

To run WebSight CMS locally with Kind, clone the repository and follow the steps below:

  1. Create a Kind cluster with Ingress Nginx controller:
    kind create cluster --config .github/cluster/kind-cluster.yaml     
    kubectl apply -f
    And wait until the Ingress controller is ready:
    kubectl -n ingress-nginx rollout status deployment ingress-nginx-controller
  2. Install WebSight CMS with the default configuration from the websight-cms directory:
    helm upgrade --install websight-cms . \
      --set cms.ingress.enabled=true \
      --namespace websight --create-namespace --wait


This chart bootstraps WebSight CE deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.







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