- Client
git clone https://github.com/whisher/angular-ngrx-material-starter.git client-project
cd client-project
npm install
npm start
- Server
git clone https://github.com/whisher/express-prisma-starter.git server-project
cd server-project
npm install
git checkout feature/examples // Crud todo
npm start
- Insert two users via signin form (or Postman)
- Using prisma studio to set an admin role
npm start
- starts a dev servernpm run start:prod
- runs full prod build and serves prod bundlenpm run test
- runs lint and testsnpm run format:write
- runs prettier to format whole code base (.ts
)npm run analyze
- runs full prod build andwebpack-bundle-analyzer
to visualize how much code is shipped (dependencies & application)
The main goal of this repository is to provide a real word (you can use express-prisma-starter) up to date example of Angular application following all recent best practices in various areas like:
- including reducers, actions, selectors@ngrx/effects
- for implementation of side effects likehttp
requests, logging, notifications,...@ngrx/entity
- for CRUD operations@ngrx/data
- for CRUD operations@ngrx/component-store
- is a stand-alone library that helps to manage local/component state.@ngrx/component
- a set of primitive reactive helpers to enable fully reactive, Zoneless applications.@ngrx/router-store
- to connect the Angular Router to @ngrx/store@ngrx/store-devtools
- to enable a powerful time-travelling debugger.@angular/material
- material design component library, theming, ...- routing
- testing of all the above mentioned concepts
- a few useful testing stubs
- Angular CLI configuration (prod build, budgets, ...)
- Two layout public and admin
- Auth with guard
- Lazy-loading of feature modules
- LocalStorage ui state persistence
- I18n
- No scss files in the components
- Use material color in tailwindcss
- Angular
- Ngrx
- Angular Material
- Tailwindcss