A simple test to show us how awesome you are!
Your task is to build a ReactJS and NodeJS powered application to:
- Request a list of products from a JSON REST api
- Render results to page as per the UI (Find ProductListing.png in the repository)
- Add ability to paginate the collection (Items per page needs to be configurable)
- Usage of hooks
- Redux for state management
- React Router 5
- Good component structure
- Should be responsive
- Good code quality
- High Test coverage (Optional)
- ES6 +
- Webpack (preferably)
- Express
- High Test coverage
- ES6 +
- API should return the list of products available in the products.json - setting up correct data models and layers (use your choice of DB)
- Dockerised application
- Use a starter kit of your choice.
- Feel free to use npm packages to help you achieve a result.
- Feel free to also document your approach, any shortcomings and concerns that you encountered during the process, though this is not a mandatory requirement, it helps us better understand your thought process.
- Code does not need to be production ready
Send us your repository URL. Your code will be reviewed and we'll ask you questions in the issue tracker.
When we pull your code we'll execute the following commands:
yarn test
yarn start
- Functionality
- Code quality
- Structure
- Understanding of Javascript
- Tests