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Notes on Session 4

Leighton Pritchard edited this page Mar 7, 2018 · 4 revisions
  • comments in the JMol scripts to explain each step would be helpful
  • more explanation of what is the biological intent/reasoning behind each action could help
  • copy/paste of scripts slowed things down; can the scripts be saved as files and loaded into the script editor?
  • the z-ordering of JMol was annoying! It was very difficult to follow when flicking between the windows. This might be avoided with a higher resolution projector/more screen real-estate
  • it’s very much a point and click exercise; might it be good to include examples where we produce a f8nal figure for inclusion in a (fake) publication, including colouring and rotation of the structure
  • the black background in JMol looks out of date, maybe setting the background to white would make it look more ‘modern’ and ‘clean’?
  • JPred has a REST API, and it might be possible to demonstrate reproducibility with this in a notebook
  • SWISS-MODEL has an API through which models/structures can be obtained for UniProt entries: - possible to integrate with/refer back to UniProt lesson?
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