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* migrate patientrole to main fhir api route * Centralized scope checks for rest api. Perm update Updated the scope permissions so that only the ones we currently support for patient/<resource>.* is supported. Centralized the scope checks in the HttpRestRouteHandler to remove redundant code from the routes and to make sure all possible routes are checked against the access code. This also prevents developers who extend the api from accidently forgetting to check against the AccessToken. For now I've only enabled it on the FHIR api, but if it tests well we can open it up to the rest of the APIs. * Standalone SMART response handler Fixed some scope permission checks. Refactored the route parsing algorithm into its own class that can be unit tested against. The parsing logic could then be leveraged in the scope auth check which made matching against the REST FHIR resource a lot easier. Added the additional SMART capabilities we now support with patient standalone and launch standalone. Fixed the refresh token issues. We don't send patient context parameters as part of the refresh_grant oauth2 flow so we only send the parameters now in the authorization_grant flow inside our SMARTResponse object. There may be a better way to make this work, but for now this is functioning. * Fix unit tests and style problems. * Fix patient context missing for standalone. Fixing the refresh token issues broke the patient context missing due to the way the ResponseType object was cloned for the League AuthorizationController. * Initial Implementation of JWK Client Credentials Grant * Implemented Bulk FHIR Client Credentials Grant Extended the SMART app registration to be able to send a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) URI or embed your jwks directly to be able to use system permissions. Implemented a JWT signer using the RS384 algorithm per Bulk FHIR spec incorporating code from the jumbojett/OpenID-Connect-PHP project to handle the signing. Implemented a JsonWebKeySet that will retrieve JWKS from a JWK URI or hold the JWKS to be used for signature verification. Wrote Test class to verify the JWK signature verification as well as illustrate how to use class mock's to improve unit testing of our services. This will improve testing time in the future as we can proxy network requests without actually having to hit the network. We still have outstanding the following requirements for OAUTH2 authorization. - spec requirement to combine and validate keys against both JWK URI & client provided keys at registration. Currently does one or the other. - Prevent replay attacks by checking against previous JWT jti values for the current issuer (client id) for the 1 minute expires period. - Check optional jku value is the same as the JWK URI provided at registration. That said the current implementation meets all the authorization testing checks of the ONC inferno tool for the Bulk FHIR requirements. * Initial support for FHIR Group $export operation. Refactored the Capability REST operation to use the FHIR object classes so we could handle the FHIR operation definition types for group-export, patient-export and the system export. Fixed the ScopeRepo to handle the updated capability rest object. * Bulk FHIR Export authentication,api requests Initial Implementation of the Export Controller to handle Bulk FHIR Export. Put in the initial $export routes for the Group/Patient/System exports of data for the BULK FHIR implementation. Refactored the Capability statement to now support FHIR operations on each FHIR resource. Moved the Capability statement to use the FHIR class resources for the REST response. This fixed a number of issues in the FHIR validator for inferno. Pulled out the oauth2_trusted_user api calls into its own controller so we can grant a trusted user for Client Credentials grant. Refactored dispatch.php in order to allow a trusted client access token that is not tied to a user to still have api access for system calls. Refactored the hard dependancy on RestConfig in the ScopeRepository so I could write a unit test against ScopeRepository to fix some scope bugs that were occurring. * Fix php 7.4+ error If the kid is missing it throws an error on php 7.4+ * Export scopes, scope escalation attack fix. Made it so a the finalizeScope's check removes any scopes from a permission grant that were not there at the time of client registration. Before this a client could request and get granted whatever scopes they wanted as long as the system supported it. Also added the operation $export scopes needed for Bulk FHIR export. * Add System User for Bulk FHIR Export. Based on Brady & Jerry Padgett's recommendation's I've gone head and added a system user to tie the bulk fhir export to. I added them to the Admin ACL which allows ACL's to be adjusted in the future. * FHIR Export Service architecture Implemented a service locator to retrieve all of the fhir resource services that support exporting data. Created an interface that services can implement that support exporting data. All of the US Core resources will need to implement the interface. * Improved documentation for library sql command. * SQL definitions for export jobs. Export Job represents the Bulk FHIR export requests we need to process. * Support FHIR operation routes Made it so the route parser will handle operations just fine. The http rest route handler will also now check against operation permissions. SMART scopes permissions are represented as system/<resource>.$<operation-name> for example a bulk group export is system/Group.$export. A root level operation permission is represented by a star. For example a root export is system/*.$export. Enabled the ScopeRepository to sue system/*.$export as well as system/*.$bulkdata-status (this idea came from the IBM FHIR server implementation where they are using $bulkdata-status as their reference URL. Also put in place a unit test for the route parser as the route parsing has gotten more complicated and errors were cropping up, so I put that in place to try and avoid future problems. * SMART FHIR Group Compartment Export Got the SMART FHIR Group Compartment Implementation Guide works. Added the SystemUser to the UserService and got it so the Client Credentials grant uses the SystemUser and is checked properly in the api dispatch file. Wrote a wrapper class around our embedded Psr17Factory so we can replace it as needed. Created a StatusCode class that we can start putting HTTP status in which makes unit testing and readability much better. Wrote an ExportJob class to match with the database export_job and that the FhirExportRestController creates and manages the life cycle of. Wrote the controller class to properly handle the bulk $export and the $export status checks. Right now the file creation of the exports and the deletion of the exports is mocked out and need to be implemented in a subsequent iteration. Minor style guide fixes included as well. * ONC Client Credentials Grant fixes Fix JWK validation and use the OpenEMR API SystemUser for the grants * Prevent registration of insecure clients. Clients without any JWKs are prohibited. Client's that are public cannot have user or system scopes. * Style fix. * Fix reviews, remove unused code. * Make the additional user install after gacl * Fix namespace use statement. * Ref openemr#4203 Bulk FHIR Resource Export Implemented FHIR Document Binary downloads - Built it so that documents can now be downloaded via FHIR Made it so the document service checks against the category ACLs to allow more fine grained access control on documents. This made it so FHIR export documents require the super user ACL in order to be retrieved from the system. - Wrote a BaseDocumentDownloader class that is generic and should handle every mime type. If special mimetype handling is needed someone can implement the IDocumentDownloader interface to handle a specific mime type. Added an expiration date to Documents - Documents cannot be downloaded via the FHIR api if they have been marked as deleted or past their expiration date. - Made additional minor adjustments to the Document class. Added a helper method to Document so you can retrieve the document data using the class method get_data(). It will retrieve it from CouchDB (if enabled) or from the file system. Data is decrypted if you pass the decrypt flag into the function. - Added a can_access, has_expired, and get_categories helper methods to Document Built all of the Export FHIR functionality. - In order for the export to work you have to have the 'Enable OpenEMR Standard FHIR Export API' flag turned on. By default it is off for security purposes. - Any FHIR service that wishes to export FHIR resources just needs to implement the IFhirExportableResourceService and reside in the OpenEMR\Services\FHIR namespace. - Services can state whether they support the patient, group, or system level exports. Any resource service that is inside the US Core Patient Compartment ( should implement the patient/group export functionality. Services for FHIR resources outside patient/group should return false for the patient / group methods. - The FhirPatientService and FhirEncounterService are good reference examples for how to handle an export. You can send any FHIR resource that extends the FhirResource base class to the ExportWriter and it will handle the data just fine. - Right now FHIR exports are handled syncronously as the export is all done at the time of the initial export creation. We assume the OpenEMR server can process this very fast. However, all the code is setup so that this can be moved asynchronously. Each export has a shutdown time that tracks the last resource exported. We would need to create a table to store the in progress data but the code should be fairly straightforward to be able to handle this for long running batch jobs. - The document exports are all handled in memory right now. If this becomes too much memory usage the ExportStreamWriter is built so it can take a stream. I intended to add a streaming capability for the Document class but I ran out of time. The export to be more memory efficient can take a stream (such as one from fopen for local file system) and data can be written out that way. I'm not too sure on how that would work for CouchDB. Did a bunch of rework on the FhirPatientService for searching. There's a lot of rework that needs to happen here as we aren't following much of the specification for searching. Added in the search parameter types so we can handle our search capability statement correctly. Also any FHIR resource that is one of the 13 US Core Implementation Guide resources should implement the IResourceUSCIGProfileService so that we can include the USCIG profiles in the capability statement. * Implement DELETE for Bulk FHIR * Style fixes * Fixed an issue where patient export wasn't working * Added some documentation around export * Fix string version of JWKs * Fix unit tests to handle export global flag * Fix styles * Fix test cases with missing root user. Not sure why the systemuser is missing on the test runner. However, mocked the interface so the test doesn't fail, maybe in this use case there is no database access? Need to check with @bradymiller about it. * USCIG core fixes to Patient FHIR resource Added required address period field. Partially implemented ethnicity and race extensions. Added required communication field. The FHIR specification is inconsistent in the SystemURIs for the language communication, ethnicity and race. Different documents state different URIs for this and I can't seem to find what the correct one is. For now its just throwing warnings in inferno and not failing the test. We'll need to figure out the correct one, though it seems like its a moving target as some of the checker's changed as of mid January. * OpenEMR CLI runner, Client Grant Testing Tool. Implemented a basic CLI command runner that can be used to execute CLI commands in the OpenEMR source code ecosystem. Developers can implement the IOpenEMRCommand interface and put their Command inside the src/Common/Command directory and it will be picked up by the command runner. The command runner only runs in the cli space so it can't be picked up by apache. To list the commands you can execute just run ./bin/command-runner -l Created the CreateClientCredentialsAssertion command to help users test and use Client Credential Grants. Users can use the command to grab a test OpenEMR JWKS to register at /interface/smart/register-app.php in the JWKS field. To get the public keys you just execute ./bin/command-runner -c CreateClientCredentialsAssertion -k To create a Client Credentials Grant Assertion for using in CURL or with something like postman you can execute the following (assuming you are running the docker containers) ./bin/command-runner -c CreateClientCredentialsAssertion -i <ClientID> -a https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/token The command will spit out the assertion grant and a CURL request you can execute to get back an access token. * Setup update now installs additional users. * Fix Download URL and decryption. Made the download URL work even if the system has been migrated per bradymiller's suggestions. Also defaulted the content to return decrypted data and handled decrypting the couch db content. * System scope restrictions, export verifies scopes. Made the export actually verify the user agent has access to the resources that are exported using the scopes requested. Disabled the system scopes unless a global flag is turned on (bigger restriction than originally just restricting the export). Fixed a bug in the AuthorizationController where our checks against public/private apps and the scopes they were allowed were NOT actually being used. Had to fix some of the api tests to handle that correctly. * Make uuid unique key per code review request * Fix styles, Fix FHIR Categories. * Fix database categories * Make sure SystemUser is setup for Credentials Grant. * Implement sqlThrowsException method Made it so the export controller doesn't die if there is a sql error. Instead an exception is thrown and the API returns properly. * More minor pr fixes. * Fix styles. * Add foreign db key to Documents. Fix document bugs. Added a foreign reference id & table name to the Documents class so we can tie a Document to another table record. Apparently the 'foreign_id' only is used for Patients per @bradymiller. I also fixed a bug where the deleted flag was not actually picked up by the document ORM since it was missing the getters and setters. Finally fixed a bug in the FhirDocumentRestController that was allowing access to deleted documents that had not yet expired.
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