Hello, I'm Willyam Arcand, a tech enthusiast based in Montreal, QC. I've a diverse range of interests that span beyond my professional life into all facets of my daily routine. I strive to fully understand and master the world around me - from the perfect cup of coffee to refining my hobbies, appreciating wine and cheese, and writing excellent software.
This portfolio serves as a central hub for all things "me". My aim is to share my learnings publicly to benefit the community, showcase my work and projects, and provide an introduction to who I am as an individual and a professional.
This section features various projects that I've worked on and that have taught me valuable skills. It's a showcase of my capabilities and a testament to my constant quest for learning.
Here, I share articles about the things I've learned over the course of my career and personal interests. It's a way for me to document my knowledge and experiences, and hopefully, provide valuable insights to others.
Learn more about who I am, what motivates me, and get a glimpse into my life outside of the professional sphere.
Here, you'll find the necessary information to get in touch with me. Whether you have an opportunity to share or simply want to chat, I'd love to hear from you.
Review my professional experience, qualifications, and the path that's led me to where I am today.
The portfolio is designed for easy navigation - simply choose a section from the menu and enjoy exploring. As you delve into my world, remember: Have fun!
Feel free to connect with me through LinkedIn, Github, or via Email.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated! If you have any suggestions or find any issues, feel free to reach out via email, propose changes through a fork, or create an issue directly. I value your input and am always looking to improve.
The content of this portfolio is currently not under any specific license.