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WHMCS + Wordpress run using docker


Provide base structure to run both whmcs and wordpress for marketing using docker and docker-compose with this environment

  • Nginx 1.6.10
  • PHP 7.2 loaded with ioncube
  • MySQL 5.7

Wordpress, WHMCS, and phpmyadmin project are not included, download and extract it to the app folder.
Any plugin for both software also not included.

For phpmyadmin you need to create manually and set the host

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = "mysql"

If cert_path for whmcs, wordpress or phpmyadmin is not define, a self sign certificate will be created under server_name.

You can use wildcard certificate by providing same file for both wordpress and whmcs.

Do not change default docker-compose.yml other then setting the Environment variable for each service.
You can add network alias to whmcs so wordpress can reach whmcs internally using fqdn example here.

After setup your environment, run the service using

make up     # To Start
make down   # To Stop

In case your user id or group id is not 1000, you need to set USERID and GROUPID environment before running docker-compose. This is to make sure running container not changing file permission inside ./app folder

USERID=$(id -u) GROUPID=$(id -g) SFTP_PASSWORD="mysftppassword" docker-compose up -d

php-ssh has ssh and sftp function, if you use this service then disable the sftp service. php-ssh and sftp are optional and best to be disable during production for security.

Docker Service

Service Function
nginx web server for app template specified in ./docker/nginx/app
whmcs php-fpm server for whmcs, app located in ./app/whmcs
wordpress php-fpm server for wordpress, app located in ./app/wordpress
phpmyadmin php-fpm server for phpmyadmin, app located in ./app/phpmyadmin. Don't forget to set config manually
cron running php schedule job from file in ./app/cron
mysql mysql server using folder ./mysql_data
smtp smtp server to send mail only. This is required so a sendmail request from application not run synchronusly. Can be set using gmail smtp. see configuration here.
sftp sftp server to access all folder inside ./app. See configuration here
php-ssh php-fpm with ssh server and sftp server for debugging
memcached For caching purpose, make sure wordpress and whmcs use same session

If you use smtp service without any option, it might not be able to send email due to blacklisted by real server. In case it is blocked, for development purpose you can create a gmail account ( disable 2FA, enable Less Secure App ), and pass the credential to GMAIL_USER and GMAIL_PASSWORD environment in the smtp service.

Docker Environment Variable


Environemt Required Default Value Info
CERT_PATH Y /etc/nginx/certs Nginx Certificate folder path
WORDPRESS_SERVER_NAME Y wordpress.test Wordpress hostnames. Can be multiple name separated by single space e.g "wordpres.test www.wordpress.test"
WORDPRESS_CERT_PATH N Wordpress certificate path
WORDPRESS_CERT_KEY_PATH N Wordpress certificate key path
WHMCS_SERVER_NAME Y whmcs.test Whmcs hostnames. Can be multiple name separated by single space
WHMCS_CERT_PATH N Whmcs certificate path
WHMCS_CERT_KEY_PATH N Whmcs certificate key path
WHMCS_BRIDGE_URL Y Full url path of whmcs bridge page in wordpress, required for password reset
PMA_SERVER_NAME Y pma.test Phpmyadmin hostnames. Can be multiple name separted by single space
PMA_CERT_PATH N Phpmyadmin certificate path
PMA_CERT_KEY_PATH N Phpmyadmin certificate key path
REAL_IP_FROM Y Nginx real_ip_from directive value, a trusted subnet is preferable
SERVER_ADDR Y IP address of this Server, required for some license that lock to IP Address. Public IP Address is preferable


Environemt Required Default Value Info
USERID Y 1000 php-fpm run user id
GROUPID Y 1000 php-fpm run group id


Environemt Required Default Value Info
USERID Y 1000 php-fpm run user id
GROUPID Y 1000 php-fpm run group id


Environemt Required Default Value Info
USERID Y 1000 php-fpm run user id
GROUPID Y 1000 php-fpm run group id


Environemt Required Default Value Info
USERID Y 1000 php-fpm run user id
GROUPID Y 1000 php-fpm run group id


Check here for other option

Environemt Required Default Value Info
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD Y 888888 MySQL root user password
MYSQL_USER Y test MySQL application user
MYSQL_PASSWORD Y 888888 MySQL application user password

You need to change healthcheck --user and --password correspoding to above environment


Environemt Required Default Value Info
SSH_USERS Y SSH user and permission, format: :::
SSH_ENABLE_PASSWORD_AUTH N true Using password to login
SFTP_CHROOT N To Chroot user to specific folder when accessing using sftp

Enabling password auth require creating and mounting file, Check in the Volume section of php-ssh

Docker Volume

All volume are mandatory

Wordpress, whmcs, and cron use the same custom php.ini file. If you need a separate php.ini file for each instance, create a separate file and change the mount volume path


Source Destination Permission Info
./app/certs /etc/nginx/certs RO Certificate file use by nginx
./app/whmcs /srv/whmcs RO To provide whmcs non php static file by nginx
./app/wordpress /srv/wordpress RO To provide wordpress non php static file by nginx
./app/phpmyadmin /srv/phpmyadmin RO To provide phpmyadmin non php static file by nginx
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta /etc/localtime - Container localtime


Source Destination Permission Info
./app/whmcs /var/www/whmcs RW WHMCS app folder
./app/php/php-fpm.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/99_custom.ini - Custom PHP ini file
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta /etc/localtime - Container localtime


Source Destination Permission Info
./app/wordpress /var/www/html RW Wordpress app folder
./app/php/php-fpm.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/99_custom.ini - Custom PHP ini file
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta /etc/localtime - Container localtime


Source Destination Permission Info
./app/phpmyadmin /var/www/html RW Phpmyadmin app folder
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta /etc/localtime - Container localtime


Source Destination Permission Info
./app/cron /cron - Cron job files. Will be merge and run as www-data
./app/whmcs /var/www/html/whmcs - For executing application script by cron
./app/wordpress /var/www/html/wordpress - For executing application script by cron
./app/php/php-fpm.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/99_custom.ini - Custom PHP ini file
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta /etc/localtime - Container localtime


Source Destination Permission Info
./init_db docker-entrypoint-initdb.d - Init empty schema for application and set database user and privilege
./mysql_data /var/lib/mysql - MySQL raw data, accessible by run user id
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta /etc/localtime - Container localtime


Source Destination Permission Info
./app /home/${USERID:-1000}/upload - Manage whole application file from ftp


Source Destination Permission Info
./app /app - Manange whole application file from ftp
./ /etc/entrypoint.d/ ro SSH Password File
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta /etc/localtime - Container localtime

To login using password create a file, make it executable and paste below code

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

echo "user:pass" | chpasswd

Then mount the file to /etc/entrypoint.d/

Unsupported Feature

  • We do not plan to implement mail server here, due to complexity of managing mail server security such as spam.
  • Domain Manager also not available, we plan to use secns/powerdns in the future because it has simple UI. In the mean time it is best to use domain manager provided by your domain seller.


WHMCS and Wordpress in docker






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