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System 76 Keyboard Color Shifter

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Create a floating rainbow effect that moves across your keyboard!


  1. Download the latest and greatest
  2. Make it executable: chmod +x ./keyboard-color
  3. Take it on a test drive: sudo ./keyboard-color rainbow
  4. Get some help: sudo ./keyboard-color help
  5. Once you've got it how you like it, run it with --install, like sudo ./keyboard-color rainbow --install
  6. Profit!

Changing modes

  • keyboard-color rainbow --install
  • or echo yy | keyboard-color monitor --install for a non-interactive experience

Colors for monitor

  • Blue: Ice cold (~0)
  • Green: Moderate usage
  • Yellow: Heavy usage
  • Red: Extreme usage


Same as installation, should be smooth.


sudo systemctl stop keyboard-color
sudo systemctl disable keyboard-color
sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/keyboard-color /etc/systemd/system/keyboard-colors.service


The service is written in CSharp. You can do the following:

  1. Create color filters (such as Hearbeat) that can post-process on whatever mode is chosen.
  2. Create "sides" that operate on a single Led group independently.
  3. Create monitors to operate on a specific input.
  4. Keyboards tie everything together into a configuration.


  1. Change colors based on local weather and a filter for time of day.
  2. Use filters to change color if ssh'd into a specific machine (say, production?).
  3. Use filters to alert on emails, or other notifications.
  4. Make this more pluggable.