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Harden Chrome and Chromium to get the best ever browsing experience.

Project Chromossify is all about enhancing your Chrome and Chromium browsing experience and also to setup for maximum security.
A Project with ❤ by Ador from Bangladesh.


  • ui enhancement: enables the latest modern & smooth ui.
  • privacy: obviously tightens the privacy in the name of security.
  • speed up: you have never felt this speedychrome!
  • simple: no script stuffs, just flags!
  • ux: you are to love this!

What is this for?

Project Chromossify is highly inspired by CHEF-KOCH's Chromium Hardening. This will increase your chrome and chromium's privacy as well as enhance the user experience. Smooth UI and speedy Chrome experience, you will be loving this!

Chromossify-ing Chrome version

Go to chrome://flags and toggle enable/disable the following flags.


Check the legends properly before applying.

Enable Disable Removed Android Windows Mac Linux Chrome OS


The following configuration may differ on devices because mobile and desktop devices have their own flags due to performance reasons or security measurements. Go to chrome://flags and enable/disable the flags you need.

Flag Name Description Address Toggle Device(s) Category
Autoplay policy Policy used when deciding if audio or video is allowed to autoplay. #autoplay-policy Document user activation required PRIVACY PERFORMANCE
Autoplay unified sound settings UI If enabled, shows the new unified autoplay sound settings UI. #enable-autoplay-unified-sound-settings UI ENHANCEMENT
Brotli Content-Encoding Enable Brotli Content-Encoding support. #enable-brotli PERFORMANCE
Chrome Modern Design Enable modern design for Chrome. Chrome must be restarted twice for this flag to take effect. #enable-chrome-modern-design UI ENHANCEMENT
Chrome Modern Alternate Card Layout Enable the alternate card layout for Chrome Modern Design. #enable-chrome-modern-alternate-card-layout UI ENHANCEMENT
Chrome Modern Full-Roll Enable modern full-roll animation for Chrome. #enable-chrome-modern-full-roll UI ENHANCEMENT
Disable Audio For Desktop Share With this flag on, desktop share picker window will not let the user choose whether to share audio. #disable-audio-support-for-desktop-share PRIVACY
Don't Prefetch Libraries Don't prefetch libraries after loading. #dont-prefetch-libraries PERFORMANCE
Enable descriptive failed download status text Enables failed download status text in notifications and Downloads Home to state the reason the request failed if the failure is actionable. #offline-pages-failed-download UI ENHANCEMENT
Enable new Photopicker Activates the new picker for selecting photos. #enable-new-photo-picker UI ENHANCEMENT
Enable offline bookmarks Enable saving bookmarked pages for offline viewing. #offline-bookmarks UI ENHANCEMENT
Enables use of the Android spellchecker Enables use of the Android spellchecker. #enable-android-spellchecker UI ENHANCEMENT
Experimental QUIC protocol Enable experimental QUIC protocol support.
Note - QUIC is Google's experimental, low-latency Internet transportation protocol over UDP, a protocol that is often used by gaming, streaming media and VoIP services. The name 'QUIC' stands for Quick UDP Internet Connection.
#enable-quic PERFORMANCE
Fast tab/window close Enables fast tab/window closing - runs a tab's onunload js handler independently of the GUI. #enable-fast-unload UI ENHANCEMENT PERFORMANCE
FontCache scaling Reuse a cached font in the renderer to serve different sizes of font for faster layout. #enable-font-cache-scaling PERFORMANCE
Include title for the current URL in the omnibox In the event that the omnibox provides suggestions on-focus, the URL of the current page is provided as the first suggestion without a title. Enabling this flag causes the title to be displayed. #omnibox-display-title-for-current-url PERFORMANCE
Modal Permission Dialog Enable this option to use ModalDialogManager for permission Dialogs. #enable-modal-permission-dialog-view UI ENHANCEMENT
Modern NTP layout Show a modern layout on the New Tab Page. #ntp-modern-layout UI ENHANCEMENT
New audio rendering mixing strategy Use the new audio rendering mixing strategy. #new-audio-rendering-mixing-strategy PERFORMANCE
New history entries require a user gesture Require a user gesture to add a history entry. #enable-history-entry-requires-user-gesture PRIVACY
New Media Controls Enables the new style native media controls. #enable-modern-media-controls UI ENHANCEMENT
Only Auto-Reload Visible Tabs Pages that fail to load while the browser is offline will only be auto-reloaded if their tab is visible. #enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only PERFORMANCE
Parallel downloading Enable parallel downloading to accelerate download speed. #enable-parallel-downloading PERFORMANCE
Reduce default 'referer' header granularity If a page hasn't set an explicit referrer policy, setting this flag will reduce the amount of information in the 'referer' header for cross-origin requests. #reduced-referrer-granularity PRIVACY
Smooth Scrolling Animate smoothly when scrolling page content. #smooth-scrolling UI ENHANCEMENT
Sound content setting Enable site-wide muting in content settings and tab strip context menu. #sound-content-setting UI ENHANCEMENT
Strict site isolation Security mode that enables site isolation for all sites (SitePerProcess). In this mode, each renderer process will contain pages from at most one site, using out-of-process iframes when needed. NOTE: Site isolation is enabled by default on desktop platforms regardless of how this flag is set; see chrome://process-internals for whether it is currently enabled. Setting this flag to 'Enabled' turns on site isolation regardless of the default. Here, 'Disabled' is a legacy value that actually means 'Default,' in which case site isolation may be already enabled based on platform, enterprise policy, or field trial. See also #site-isolation-trial-opt-out for how to disable site isolation for testing. #enable-site-per-process PRIVACY
TCP Fast Open Enable the option to send extra authentication information in the initial SYN packet for a previously connected client, allowing faster data send start. #enable-tcp-fast-open PERFORMANCE
Throttle expensive background timers Enables intervention to limit CPU usage of background timers to 1%. #expensive-background-timer-throttling PERFORMANCE
TLS 1.3 Sets the TLS 1.3 variant used.
Note - TLS 1.3 is a new encryption protocol update that is both faster (reducing HTTPS overhead) and more secure.


Loved this project? Want to support? Then, support another project of mine; Energized Protection (Another Security First Blocking Project).


Chromossify is just to toggle chrome://flags. Nothing more than that. If you mess up doing these togglings, just tap/click Reset all to default. I won't be responsible if you start nuclear war in your device.



Let's make an annoyance free better open internet, altogether!

A project by Ador with ❤


Experience the best yet Chrome.






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