Wonkey v2021.04
Wonkey 2021-04 release
First official Wonkey release with Wake and Wide built for Windows, Linux, MacOS ans Raspbian targets.
Update 29/04/2021: Fixed msvc installer
What's new:
- many fixes due to rebrand
- use default 'x64' config
- updated 'sdl2' module to 2.0.14 official release
- updated 'sokol' module
- added new modules: glfw, glad, raspberry, simplevideo
- added some @StrangeIsMyName additions
- upgraded iOS XCode project
- upgraded Android product template
- upgraded Emscripten toolchain (v2.x)
- optimize C/C++/Linker flags for stripping dead code (reduced size of executable)
- improved auto-detection of MSVC installation
- added new String methods :
- and many others stuff :)