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OSM Function Enhancement
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- functionalized O-D Matrix call
- added OSMNX function for pulling POIs
  • Loading branch information
Charlesfox1 committed Jul 26, 2018
1 parent 0b08eef commit abad291
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Showing 7 changed files with 5,300 additions and 0 deletions.
367 changes: 367 additions & 0 deletions Market_Access/
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@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

## library Imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json, os, time
import urllib.request as url # python 3
import urllib2 as url # python 2

import sys, getopt
import shapely

###### OD Matrix ######

def CreateODMatrix(ffpath, infile, infile_2 = 'not_found', lat_name = 'Lat', lon_name = 'Lon', UID = 'ID', Pop = 'Pop', call_type = 'OSRM', limit = 0, rescue = 0, rescue_num = 0, MB_Toke = '', help = False):

TODO: make the function flexible for MapBox endpoint - add back MB token / different formatting
if help == True:
helpstr = """\nCommands recognised for this script:\n
\n\tffpath Path - string for input and output folder path
\n\tinfile File name of .csv containing input data
\n\tlat_name Latitude column name.
\n\tlon_name Longitude column name
\n\tUID Origin Unique Identifier column name (e.g. District, Name, Object ID...).This is mainly helpful for joining the output back to the input data / a shapefile, and is non-essential in terms of the calculation. It can be text or a number.
\n\tPop Population / weighting column name
\n\tcall_type Server call type - "OSRM" for OSRM, "MB" for Mapbox, "MBT" for Mapbox with traffic, or "Euclid" for Euclidean distances (as the crow flies)
\n\t *** Optional - if sources =/= destinations. Note - Unique identifier and Pop column names must remain the same ***
\n\tlimit Limit - use this to limit the coordinate input list (int). Optional.
\n\tinfile_2 Filename of destinations csv
\n\tresuce Save - input latest save number to pick up from there
\n\trescue_num Rescue number parameter - if you have already re-started the process, denote how many times. First run = 0, restarted once = 1...
\n\nDo NOT put column names or indeed any input inside quotation marks.
\nThe only exceptions is if the file paths have spaces in them.
print helpstr
return helpstr

start = time.time()
print('\nChosen server: %s\n\nStart time: %s' % (call_type, time.ctime(start)))
print('Origins: %s' % infile)
print('Destinations: %s\n' % infile_2)

# Save settings
save_rate = 5
def save(returns, j, i, numcalls, rescue_num):
elapsed_mins = (time.time() - start)/60
elapsed_secs = (time.time() - start)%60
total = ((numcalls / float(i)) * (time.time() - start)/60.0)
remaining = total - elapsed_mins
print ('\n______________________________________\n')
print ('\nSave point %s. Running for: %d minutes %d seconds' % (j, elapsed_mins, elapsed_secs))
print ('\ncalls completed: %d of %d. Est. run time: %d minutes. Time remaining: %d' % (i-1, numcalls, total, remaining))
print ('\npercentage complete: %d percent' % (((i-1) / float(numcalls)*100)))
print ('\n______________________________________\n')
df = pd.concat(returns)
df = returns
df.to_csv(os.path.join(ffpath,'temp_file_%d.csv' % rescue_num))

# File Import for sources file
input_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ffpath, infile))
input_df['source_list'] = input_df[lon_name].map(str)[lat_name].map(str), sep = ',')
input_df['source_list'] = input_df['source_list']+';'
source_list = input_df['source_list'].values.tolist()
source_UIDs = input_df[UID].values.tolist()
#input_df['source_point'] = input_df.apply(lambda x: Point(x[lon_name],x[lat_name]), axis = 1)
#source_points = input_df['source_point'].tolist()

# Look to import separate file for destinations; if not, set destinations = sources
input_df2 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ffpath, infile_2))
input_df2['dest_list'] = input_df2[lon_name].map(str)[lat_name].map(str), sep = ',')
input_df2['dest_list'] = input_df2['dest_list']+';'
dest_list = input_df2['dest_list'].values.tolist()
dest_UIDs = input_df2[UID].values.tolist()
#input_df2['dest_points'] = input_df2.apply(lambda x: Point(x[lon_name],x[lat_name]), axis = 1)
#dest_points = input_df2['dest_points'].tolist()
dest_list = source_list
dest_UIDs = source_UIDs
#dest_points = source_points

# apply limit if in test mode
if limit > 0:
source_list = source_list[:limit]
dest_list = dest_list[:limit]
source_UIDs = source_UIDs[:limit]
dest_UIDs = dest_UIDs[:limit]
#dest_points = dest_points[:limit]
#source_points = source_points[:limit]

# Function for calling OSRM server.
def Call(O_list, D_list, i, O_IDs, D_IDs, header):

# prevent server annoyance
print('Call to OSRM server number: %d' % i)

# Convert origins to HTTP request string
Os = ';'.join(str(coord).replace("'", "").replace(";", "") for coord in O_list)

# Destinations to HTTP request string
Ds = ';'.join(str(coord).replace("'", "").replace(";", "") for coord in D_list)

# Join them together
data = Os+';'+Ds

# Define which coords in data string are origins, and which are destinations
sources = ['%d' % x for x in range(0,len(O_list))]
sources = ';'.join(str(x).replace("'", "") for x in sources)
lenth = len(O_list)+len(D_list)
destinations = ['%d' % x for x in range(len(O_list),lenth)]
destinations = ';'.join(str(x).replace("'", "") for x in destinations)

# Build request string
request = header+data+'?sources='+sources+'&destinations='+destinations

# Pass request to interweb
r = url.urlopen(request)

# Error handle
# Convert Bytes response to readable Json
MB_TelTest_json = json.loads('utf-8'))
data_block = MB_TelTest_json['durations']
data_block = 'null'

# Build df from JSON
#sources_label = [str(i['location']) for i in MB_TelTest_json['sources']]
#dest_label = [str(i['location']) for i in MB_TelTest_json['destinations']]
sources_label = O_IDs
dest_label = D_IDs
chunk = pd.DataFrame(data = data_block,
columns = dest_label,
index = sources_label)
# Convert to minutes, stack 2D array to 1D array
chunk = chunk.stack(level =-1)
chunk.columns = ['O','D','DIST']
return chunk

### Data Prep

# Generate appropriately split source and destination lists
def split_and_bundle(in_list,break_size):
new_list = []
for i in range (0,(int(max(len(in_list)/break_size,1)))):
upper = (i+1) * break_size
lower = (upper - break_size)
objs = in_list[lower:upper]
if len(in_list) > break_size:
rem = len(in_list) % break_size
if rem > 0:
final = upper+rem
return new_list

if call_type == 'MBT' :
sources_list = split_and_bundle(source_list, 5)
dests_list = split_and_bundle(dest_list, 5)
sources_UIDs = split_and_bundle(source_UIDs, 5)
dests_UIDs = split_and_bundle(dest_UIDs, 5)
elif call_type == 'MB'or call_type == 'OSRM':
sources_list = split_and_bundle(source_list, 12)
dests_list = split_and_bundle(dest_list, 13)
sources_UIDs = split_and_bundle(source_UIDs, 12)
dests_UIDs = split_and_bundle(dest_UIDs, 13)

# Run function call across the O-D matrix; output is 'df'
returns = []
numcalls = (len(sources_list) * len(dests_list))
s , d = sources_list, dests_list
i, j = 1 + (rescue * len(sources_list)), 1 + rescue

### Making Calls

if call_type == 'Euclid':
df = EuclidCall(source_list,dest_list,source_points,dest_points)
if rescue > 0:
s = s[rescue:] # possibly rescue -1
sources_UIDs = sources_UIDs[rescue:]
print('source list: %s' % len(source_list))
print('sources list: %s' % len(sources_list))
print('dest list: %s' % len(dest_list))
print('dests list: %s' % len(dests_list))
numcalls_rem = (len(s) * len(d))
print('\nEstimated remaining calls to chosen server: %d\n' % numcalls_rem)
print('save points will occur every %d calls\n' % (len(dests_list)))
for O_list in s:
O_IDs = sources_UIDs[s.index(O_list)]
for D_list in d:
if call_type == 'MBT' :
D_IDs = dests_UIDs[d.index(D_list)]
if call_type == 'MB':
header = ''
elif call_type == 'MBT':
header = ''
elif call_type == 'OSRM':
header = ''
returns.append(Call(O_list,D_list,i,O_IDs,D_IDs, header))
i += 1

save(returns, j, i, numcalls, rescue_num)
j += 1
df = pd.concat(returns)
df = returns

### Assembly of Full O-D Matrix

# re-attach the population of origins and destinations, prep dataframe
all_matrices = []
if rescue_num > 0:
for r in range(0,rescue_num):
rescued_matrix = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ffpath,'temp_file_%d.csv' % (r)),header=None)
rescued_matrix.columns = ['O_UID','D_UID','DIST']
df = df.reset_index()
df.columns = ['O_UID','D_UID','DIST']
new = pd.concat(all_matrices)
new = new.set_index('O_UID')
new['DIST'] = new['DIST'].apply(pd.to_numeric)
popdf = input_df[[UID,Pop]].set_index(UID)
new['O_POP'] = popdf[Pop]
new = new.reset_index()
new = new.set_index('D_UID')
if dest_list == source_list:
new['D_POP'] = popdf[Pop]
new = new.reset_index()
popdf_dest = input_df2[[UID,Pop]].set_index(UID)
new['D_POP'] = popdf_dest[Pop]
new = new.reset_index()
new['O_UID'] = new['O_UID'].astype(str)
new['D_UID'] = new['D_UID'].astype(str)
new['combo'] = new['O_UID']+'_X_'+new['D_UID']
new = new.drop_duplicates('combo')
new = new.drop(['combo'], axis = 1)
outpath = os.path.join(ffpath, 'Output')
if not os.path.exists(outpath):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(ffpath, 'Output'))
new.to_csv(os.path.join(outpath, 'Pairs.csv'))

return new

###### Market Access ######

def MarketAccess(new,
lambder_list =
0.0007701635, # Market access halves every 15 mins
0.0003850818, # Market access halves every 30 mins
0.0001925409, # Market access halves every 60 mins
0.0000962704, # Market access halves every 120 mins
0.0000385082, # Market access halves every 300 mins

Calculate Market Access for a given range of lambdas

# Run market access for all lambda across 'new' dataframe
output = pd.DataFrame()
new = new.loc[new['DIST'] > -1]
def market_access(x,lambdar):
return sum(x.D_POP*np.exp(-lambdar*x.DIST))
for lamdar in lambder_list:
output[lamdar] = new.loc[new['DIST'] > 0].groupby('O_UID').apply(lambda x:market_access(x,lamdar))

#File output, print completion time
output.to_csv(os.path.join(outpath, 'Output.csv'))

return output

###### Read Me ######

def ReadMe(ffpath):
readmetext = ("""
GOST: Market Access: Product Assumptions
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2018
Programmer: C. Fox
Theory: K. Garrett, T. Norman
This GOST Market Access product is based off of:
- Mapbox's Matrix API for travel times;
- OSRM's API for travel times
Travel Time Calculation
The Mapbox Matrix API provides estimated trip durations in seconds.
The time it takes to travel from one point to another is determined by a
number of factors, including:
- The profile used (walking, cycling, or driving); (GOST: set to driving)
- The speed stored in the maxspeed tag in OpenStreetMap
- Traffic derived from real-time telemetry data, provided by Mapbox
Traffic data
In addition to the contributions of OpenStreetMap, Mapbox SDKs collect
anonymous data, or telemetry, about devices using their services to continuously
update their routing network. Attributes such as speed, turn restrictions, and
travel mode can be collected to improve OpenStreetMap.
Advanced - Speed Assumptions
For a full explanation of profiles, and how speeds are calculated across segments
Note on API request timings
Requests using mapbox/driving, mapbox/walking, and mapbox/cycling profiles
can specify up to 25 input coordinates per request. Requests using the
mapbox/driving-traffic profiles can specify up to 10 input coordinates per request.
Requests using mapbox/driving, mapbox/walking, and mapbox/cycling profiles
have a maximum limit of 60 requests per minute. Requests using the
mapbox/driving-traffic profiles have a maximum of 30 requests per minute.
Algorithm flags
Commands recognised for this script:
-p Path - string for input and output folder path
-f File name of .csv containing input data
-m Latitude column name.
-n Longitude column name
-o Origin Unique Identifier column name (e.g. District, Name, Object ID...).
This is mainly helpful for joining the output back to the input data / a shapefile,
and is non-essential in terms of the calculation. It can be text or a number.
-q Population / weighting column name
-c Server call type - "OSRM" for OSRM, "MB" for Mapbox, "MBT" for Mapbox traffic, or "Euclid" for Euclidean distances (as the crow flies)
-l Limit - use this to limit the coordinate input list (int). Optional.
*** Optional - if sources =/= destinations. Note - Unique identifier and Pop column names must remain the same ***
-W Filename of destinations csv
*** Optional - if encountering server errors / internet connectivity instability ***
-R Save - input latest save number to pick up matrix construciton process from there.
-Z Rescue number parameter - If you have already re-started the download process, denote how many times. First run = 0, restarted once = 1...
Do NOT put column names or indeed any input inside quotation marks.
The only exceptions is if the file paths have spaces in them.

text_file = open(os.path.join(ffpath,"GOST_ReadMe_MarketAccess.txt"), "w")
Binary file added Market_Access/OD.pyc
Binary file not shown.

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