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Enigma2 is a open source TV-receiver/DVR platform which Linux-based firmware (OS images) can be loaded onto many Linux-based set-top boxes (satellite, terrestrial, cable or a combination of these) from different manufacturers.

This addon leverage the OpenWebIf project: (

Enigma2 PVR

VuPlus PVR client addon for [Kodi] (

Build instructions


  1. git clone
  2. git clone
  3. cd pvr.vuplus && mkdir build && cd build
  4. cmake -DADDONS_TO_BUILD=pvr.vuplus -DADDON_SRC_PREFIX=../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../xbmc/addons -DPACKAGE_ZIP=1 ../../xbmc/cmake/addons
  5. make
Useful links

Configuring the addon


Within this tab the connection options need to be configured before it can be successfully enabled.

  • Enigma2 hostname or IP address: The IP address or hostname of your enigma2 based settop box.
  • Web interface port: The port used to connect to the web interface
  • Use secure HTTP (https): Use https to connect to the web interface
  • Username: If the webinterface of the settop box is protected with a username / password combination this needs to be set in this option.
  • Password: If the webinterface of the settop box is protected with a username / password combination this needs to be set in this option.
  • Enable automatic configuration for live streams: When enabled the stream URL will be read from an M3U file. When disabled it is constructed based on the filename.
  • Streaming port: This option defines the streaming port the settop box uses to stream live tv. The default is 8001 which should be fine if the user did not define a custom port within the webinterface. Webinterface Port: This option defines the port that should be used to access the webinterface of the settop box.
  • Use secure HTTP (https) for streams: Use https to connect to streams
  • Use login for streams: Use the login username and password for streams


Within this tab general options are configured.

  • Fetch picons from web interface: Fetch the picons straight from the Enigma 2 STB
  • Use file formate: Assume all picons files fetched from the STB start with 1_1_1_ and end with _0_0_0
  • Icon path: In order to have Kodi display channel logos you have to copy the picons from your settop box onto your OpenELEC machine. You then need to specify this path in this property.
  • Update interval: As the settop box can also be used to modify timers, delete recordings etc. and the settop box does not notify the Kodi installation, the addon needs to regularly check for updates (new channels, new/changed/deletes timers, deleted recordings, etc.) This property defines how often the addon checks for updates.


Within this tab options that refer to channel data can be set.

  • Fetch only one TV bouquet: If this option is set than only the channels that are in one specified TV bouquet will be loaded, instead of fetching all available channels in all available bouquets.
  • TV bouquet: If the previous option has been enabled you need to specify the TV bouquet to be fetched from the settop box. Please not that this is the bouquet-name as shown on the settop box (i.e. "Favourites (TV)"). This setting is case-sensitive.
  • Zap before channelswitch (i.e. for Single Tuner boxes): When using the addon with a single tuner box it may be necessary that the addon needs to be able to zap to another channel on the settop box. If this option is enabled each channel switch in Kodi will also result in a channel switch on the settop box. Please note that "allow channel switching" needs to be enabled in the webinterface on the settop box.


Within this tab options that refer to EPG data can be set. Excluding logging missing genre text mappings all other options will require clearing the EPG cache to take effect. This can be done by going to Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache in Kodi after the addon restarts.

Information on customising the extraction and mapper configs can be found in the next section of the README.

  • Extract season, episode and year info where possible: Check the description fields in the EPG data and attempt to extract season, episode and year info where possible.
  • Extract show info file: The config used to extract season, episode and year information. The default file is English-ShowInfo.xml.
  • Enable genre ID mappings: If the genre IDs sent with EPG data from your STB are not using the DVB standard, map from these to the DVB standard IDs. Sky UK for instance uses OpenTV, in that case without this option set the genre colouring and text would be incorrect in Kodi.
  • Genre ID mappings file: The config used to map STB EPG genre IDs to DVB standard IDs. The default file is Sky-UK.xml.
  • Enable Rytec genre text mappings: If you use Rytec XMLTV EPG data this option can be used to map the text genres to DVB standard IDs.
  • Rytec genre text mappings file: The config used to map Rytec Genre Text to DVB IDs. The default file is Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml.
  • Log missing genre text mappings: If you would like missing genre mappings to be logged so you can report them enable this option. Note: any genres found that don't have a mapping will still be extracted and sent to Kodi as strings. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]

Recordings & Timers

  • Recording folder on receiver: Per default the addon does not specify the recording folder in newly created timers, so the default set in the settop box will be used. If you want to specify a different folder (i.e. because you want all recordings scheduled via Kodi to be stored in a separate folder), then you need to set this option.
  • Use only the DVB boxes' current recording path: If this option is not set the addon will fetch all available recordings from all configured paths from the STB. If this option is set then it will only list recordings that are stored within the "current recording path" on the settop box.
  • Keep folder structure for records: If enabled do not specify a recording folder, when disabled (defaut), check if the recording is in it's own folder or in the root of the recording path
  • Enable generate repeat timers: Repeat timers will display as timer rules. Enabling this will make Kodi generate regular timers to match the repeat timer rules so the UI can show what's scheduled and currently recording for each repeat timer.
  • Number of repeat timers to generate: The number of Kodi PVR timers to generate.
  • Enable autotimers: When this is enabled there are some settings required on the STB to enable linking of AutoTimers (Timer Rules) to Timers in the Kodi UI. On the STB enable the following options (note that this feature supports OpenWebIf 1.3.x and higher):
    1. Hit Menu on the remote and go to Timers->AutoTimers
    2. Hit Menu again and then select 6 Setup
    3. Set the following to option to yes
    • Include "AutoTimer" in tags
    • Include AutoTimer name in tags
  • Automatic timerlist cleanup: If this option is set then the addon will send the command to delete completed timers from the STB after each update interval.


  • Enable timeshift: What timeshift option do you want:
    • Disabled - No timeshifting
    • On Pause - Timeshifting starts when a live stream is paused. E.g. you want to continue from where you were at after pausing.
    • On Playback - Timeshifting starts when a live stream is opened. E.g. You can go to any point in the stream since it was opened.
  • Timeshift buffer path: The path used to store the timeshoft buffer. The default is the addon data folder in userdata


Within this tab more uncommon and advanced options can be configured.

  • Put outline (e.g. sub-title) before plot: By default plot outline (short description on Enigma2) is not displayed in the UI. Can be displayed in EPG, Recordings or both. After changing this option you will need to clear the EPG cache Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache for it to take effect.
  • Send deep standby command: If this option is set then the addon will send the DeepStandby-Command to the settop box when Kodi will be closed (or the addon will be deactivated), causing the settop box to shutdown into DeepStandby.
  • Custom live TV timeout (0 to use default): The timemout to use when trying to read live streams
  • Stream read chunk size: The chunk size used by Kodi for streams. Default 0 to leave it to Kodi to decide.

Customising Config Files

The various config files allow users to create their own, making it possible to support other languages and formats. Each different type of config file is detailed below. Best way to learn about them is to read the config files themselves. Each contains details of how the config file works.

All of the files listed below are overwritten each time the addon starts. Therefore if you are customising files please create new copies with different file names. Note: that only the files below are overwritten any new files you create will not be touched.

After adding and selecting new config files you will need to clear the EPG cache Settings->PVR & Live TV->Guide->Clear cache for it to take effect.

If you would like to support other formats/languages please raise an issue at the github project, where you can either create a PR or request your new configs be shipped with the addon.

There is one config file located here: userdata/addon_data/pvr.vuplus/genres/kodiDvbGenres.xml. This simply contains the DVB genre IDs that Kodi supports. Can be a useful reference if creating your own configs. This file is also overwritten each time the addon restarts.

Season, Episode and Year Show Info

Config files are located in the userdata/addon_data/pvr.vuplus/showInfo folder.

The following files are currently available with the addon: - English-ShowInfo.xml

Note: the config file can contain as many pattern matches as are required. So if you need to support multiple languages in a single file that is possible. However there must be at least one pattern and at least one pattern. Proficiency in regular exressions is required!

Genre ID Mappings

Config files are located in the userdata/addon_data/pvr.vuplus/genres/genreIdMappings folder.

The following files are currently available with the addon: - AU-SAT.xml - Sky-IT.xml - Sky-NZ.xml - Sky-UK.xml

Note: that each source genre ID can be mapped to a DVB ID. However multiple source IDs can be mapped to the same DVB ID. Therefore there are exactly 256 elements in each file as a genre ID is 8 bits. All values are in Hex. The first fours bits are the genreType in Kodi PVR and the last four bits are the genreSubType.

Rytec Genre Text Mappings

Config files are located in the userdata/addon_data/pvr.vuplus/genres/genreRytecTextMappings folder.

The following files are currently available with the addon: - Rytec-UK-Ireland.xml

Note: the config file can contain as many mappings as is required. Currently genres are extracted by looking for text between square brackets, e.g. [TV Drama], or for major, minor genres using a dot (.) to separate [TV Drama. Soap Opera]. The config file maps the text to a kodi DVB genre ID. If the full text cannot be matched it attempts to match just the major genre, i.e. "TV Drama" in the previous example. If a mapping cannot be found the text between the brackets will be used instead. However there will be no colouring in the Kodi EPG in this case.


Kodi's VuPlus client addon






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  • C++ 97.7%
  • CMake 1.8%
  • C 0.5%