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MIDS Task Group (Minimum Information about a Digital Specimen)

This is the repository for the MIDS Task Group, dealing with Minimum Information about a Digital Specimen.

This README last updated: 24 May 2021.

About the group

The MIDS Task Group is a task group to develop a standard for Minimum Information about a Digital Specimen (MIDS). The TG is chartered by its parent Collection Descriptions Interest Group. For full details of the TG and its scope, read the charter.

The day-to-day operations of the Task Group is documented in this repository. You can also track and participate in the work of the group by watching this repository and monitoring the group's issues tracker. The TG meets monthly by Zoom.

The new MIDS standard will be complementary to the Collection Descriptions standard that is also under the responsibility of the Collection Descriptions Interest Group.

How to become involved and contribute

This Task Group welcomes anyone who has a practical interest in minimum information standards, Digital Specimen information, experience with digitization processes and workflows and the subsequent management (including making public) of the outputs of digitization, including reporting requirements for management and funding agencies.

Become involved and contribute by:

  • Contacting the Conveners and/or signing up to the task group mailing list.

  • Participating in the monthly meetings (first Thursday of the month, UTC 13:30 - 15:00).

  • Watching this github repository. Submitting or commenting on an issue.

  • Using and evaluating the the specification as it emerges and providing feedback e.g., by submitting an issue or suggesting a new need.



Name Affiliation github name / Email
Alex Hardisty Cardiff University @hardistyar / hardistyar AT
Elspeth Haston Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh @emhaston / ehaston AT

Core Members

Name Affiliation github name / Email
Wouter Addink Naturalis Biodiversity Center @wouteraddink
Christian Bölling Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) @cboelling
Mathias Dillen Meise Botanic Garden @matdillen
Gabriele Dröge Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin @gdadade
Dag Endresen University of Oslo, Natural History Museum @dagendresen
Falko Glöckler Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) falko.gloeckler AT
Quentin Groom Meise Botanic Garden @qgroom
Anton Güntsch Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin a.guentsch AT
Josh Humphries Natural History Museum, London @jrdh
Pieter Huybrechts Meise Botanic Garden @PietrH
Chris Hunter GigaDB, BGI Group @only1chunts
Gunnhild Marthinsen University of Oslo Natural History Museum g.m.marthinsen AT
Deborah Paul University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign / Species File Group @debpaul
Richard Pyle Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum deepreef AT
Mareike Petersen Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) mareike.petersen AT
Richard Rabeler University of Michigan Herbarium rabeler AT
Eirik Rindal University of Oslo Natural History Museum eirik.rindal AT
Hannu Saarenmaa Bioshare Digitization hannu AT
Lutz Suhrbier Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin l.suhrbier AT
Maarten Trekels Meise Botanic Garden @mtrekels
Dagmar Triebel The Bavarian Natural History Collections (SNSB) triebel AT
Rachel Walcott National Museums Scotland r.walcott AT
Claus Weiland Senckenberg Society for Nature Research @cp-weiland
Karin Wiltschke Natural History Museum Vienna @Karin-Wiltschke

Repo structure

The master branch contains this file and the released public version of the MIDS specification. As of 03 November 2020, work is still in progress and there is not yet a released Version 1.0 of the specification.

The working-draft branch contains the current working draft in the current-draft folder. Older drafts are moved to the old-drafts folder as they are superseded. The use-cases folder contains the use cases on which the current working draft is based.

TG Way of working

Repo, email and meetings

The github repository TDWG TG MIDS together with the TG mailing list and regular TG meetings is the way of working.

Github issues and their status labels provide the main way of keeping track of issues, discussions and progress.

Github issues are used in two ways to make progress. Labels indicate the kind of issue and other information. See issue label meanings below.

Issues labelled with the black 'MIDS Element' label are used to hold the working definition of a specific MIDS information element. Other labels (MIDS-0, MIDS-1, MIDS-2, MIDS-3) indicate which MIDS levels the information belongs to. These MIDS Elements are also labelled with a 'status: ...' label to indicate current discussion/agreement status. The values for this label are listed below, together with an explanation of the allowed state transitions.

All other issues than MIDS Element issues are used to raise issues (concerns) relating to the specification, such as bugs, suggestions for improvement, request for clarification, etc. These are labelled appropriately according to the second half of the list below.

Issue label meanings

Label Meaning
MIDS Element Defines and tracks progress towards agreement on a MIDS information element that appears at one or more MIDS levels.
MIDS-0 Info element appears at MIDS level 0.
MIDS-1 Info element appears at MIDS level 1.
MIDS-2 Info element appears at MIDS level 2.
MIDS-3 Info element appears at MIDS level 3.
status: ... Status value of MIDS Element definition. See next subsection for possible status values.
specification improvements, additions, changes needed to the specification text
question Further information is requested
bug Something isn't working
duplicate This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement New feature, function or request
good first issue Good for newcomers
help wanted Extra help is needed with this issue
invalid This does not seem right
wontfix This will not be worked on

Status values of MIDS Element definitions

A MIDS Element definition can have one of five statuses, as listed in the following table

Status label value Meaning
status: not yet discussed The element has not been discussed yet.
status: under discussion The element is being discussed in the task group.
status: agreed The definition of the element at the level it appears at has been agreed by the task group.
status: accepted in specification The agreed element definition has been written into the draft specification.
status: has issues The element definition has issues associated with it.
status: deprecated The element definition should no longer be used and will eventually be removed from MIDS.
status: removed The element definition has been removed from MIDS.

Allowed state transitions

The normal flow of state transitions for MIDS Element issues is the following:

Not yet discussed --> under discussion --> agreed --> accepted into specification

From either of the agreed or accepted into specification states, the status of the MIDS Element definition can change to the has issues state and from there it can re-enter the under discussion state when the matter is picked up again for discussion within the TG.

TG relation to CETAF Digitization WG

The CETAF Digitisation Working Group (DWG) collaborates on digitization issues and collectively works together to share practical experiences to increase capacity and capability to digitize natural science collections. In this sense, DWG works with the MIDS materials produced by the present task group to discuss, implement, evaluate and provide input/feedback on the development of MIDS specifications to the present task group.


Current draft of the specification

Cite as: Hardisty, A., Addink, W., Dillen, M., Groom, Q., Haston, E., et al. (Draft) Minimum Information about a Digital Specimen (MIDS) v0.14, 29 Mar 2021.

Other resources

Borsch, T., Stevens, A.-D., Häffner, E., Güntsch, A., Berendsohn, W.G., et al. (2020): A complete digitization of German herbaria is possible, sensible and should be started now. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e50675.

MISC 2012. iDigBio MISC Data Element Catalog (Phase 1, V0, rev. 15 December 2012).



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