Repository for Group 3 Course CITS5506 2023 Second Semester
- webApplication/
- RPI Local Script/
- make a v4 of asad's local script that actually
1. publish to the aws iot core topic
2. subscribe to the aws iot core topic
3. init the bay states by publish a message to the topic and waiting for the appropriate response
- going to assume the booking entry time is always from right now until designated booking exit time
- going to assume the reserved bay is only for people who make reservation beforehand
- if a reservation is expired, then the bay will return to the state of can be reserved and customer needs to reserved it first before park their car in it
-- Nice to Have --
- Create input validation for the booking form
- Change the web UI to accommodate for camera streaming on the situation of the parking bay
- Send email to customer whenever a parking bay is reserved from the webapp
- Apply best practice such as separate config
- safeguard from racing condition
- implement payment method
- user account implementation
- create a new virtual environment python3 -m venv venv
- activate environment
on macOS/Linux venv/bin/activate on windows venv\Scripts\activate.bat
- install requirement pip install -r requirements.txt
- run the web app cd webApplication flask --app index run
- install sqlite3
- cd to webApplicatoin/databaseStruct
- run sqlite3 mockIoTDB.db < initdb.sql
- run to populate the mock data to the database cat insertToDetail.sql | sqlite3 mockIoTDB.db
If you are interested to do one of the function that's in the web application section please do this first
- make a new branch from this aji_branch or main branch if this is already merged git checkout -b "" - format the branch name like yourName_what_you_are_trying_to_do
- make your changes
- test it
- stage and commit your work git add . -> do this in the Group3...... folder git commit -m ""
- push to your branch git push origin <branch_name>
- create a pull request