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Welcome, Pythonistas!

!> Please go to our official GitHub Page if you're viewing this from the source code repository.

About this study group

!> If you're not yet familiar with study groups, read this document first to know what they are.

This study group is held once a month and is led by our volunteer leaders.

Everyone is welcome to join, learn, and share their knowledge in the community as long as they abide by our code of conduct.


During the study groups, we usually spend the time:

  • getting to know first-timers,
  • discussing questions/issues raised during the last meetup,
  • presenting lightning talks (anyone who wants to share/chika something!),
  • doing self-paced and/or mini study sessions
  • sharing TILS (Today I Learned), and
  • communicating announcements.

Relevant links

  • GitHub: View our study group resources.
  • Meetup: Get updates about our upcoming study groups and events.
  • Facebook: Get updates about what's happening in the community.
  • Twitter: Get updates about our current and future events.

Helping out


Attend one of our events and talk to us! 😄


Any amount will greatly help us achieve our mission of inspiring women to excel in tech careers. ❤️

Donations are accepted via Open Collective.


Do you want to help us host one of our study groups? Email us at [email protected].


  • Alysson Alvaran
  • Angelica Lapastora
  • Marylette Roa
  • Issa Tingzon
  • Iris Uy
  • Clau Yagyagan
  • Nicole Tibay