This code was developed for Marketing Admins who want to automate and enforce the Campaign Member Status options for Campaigns of certain types. It was originally written by Sercante LLC.
This application is designed to run on the Salesforce Platform
- Campaign Type Member Statuses
- A solution for Campaign Type Member Statuses and step-by-step instructions for use.
- Installation Instructions
- That's cool. What's behind the curtain?
- How it Works
Originally written by Adam Erstelle
We go through all the effort of setting up beautiful Salesforce Campaigns, naming standards and maybe even a hierarchy. The next challenge in completing your beautiful work of campaign art is getting a hold on your Campaign Member Statuses for each campaign.
When a new Salesforce Campaign is created, many people aren't just happy with the two default statuses of Sent and Responded. This prompts them to create what they think makes the most sense. Though as time goes on and as reporting starts to be needed, everyone making their own Campaign Member Statuses can be a nightmare that prevents you from getting meaningful and actionable intelligence. It would be really nice to take the guesswork out of status reporting and have a standard set of Campaign Member Statuses everyone uses consistently.
Jenna Molby posted a fantastic solution that enables you to automatically create the right Statuses on Campaign creation. The automation here is good, though as you increase the number of Types the Flow could become a bit unwieldy.
Another thing that could be a problem comes later when other people might make changes to your carefully crafted structure. What happens if someone edits or even removes these statuses?
This code was developed for Marketing Admins who want to automate and enforce the Campaign Member Status options for Campaigns of certain types. It was originally written by Sercante LLC (
Campaign Type Member Statuses is a solution to solve this problem of automating (and enforcing) Campaign Member Statuses by Type. It allows you to:
- Define the Campaign Member Statuses that should always be present on given Campaign Types.
- Restore the Protected Statuses on Active Campaigns should someone make changes.
- Create additional Statuses for specific reasons.
- Override by authorized users on a per-Campaign basis.
When deploying this package to your org, you will get:
- 1 Custom Metadata Type (and page layout)
- 1 Campaign Custom Field
- 1 ChangeDataCapture configuration
- 2 Apex Triggers
- 5 Production Apex Classes
- 4 Apex Test Classes
If you install only the core code via install button or the package, then you will not have any triggers installed.
Deploy the main directory if you install from this repository. AppExchange installations (on roadmap) skip to step 2.
sf project deploy start --source-dir force-app
You need to update your existing handlers or create new ones for the following objects and contexts.
Log in to Salesforce, and go to Setup. Or create/update the triggers with the IDE of your choice:
Object Context Apex code CampaignMemberStatusChangeEvent after insert new CMS_MemberStatusEventTriggerHandler().afterInsert();
Campaign before insert new CMS_CampaignTriggerHandler().beforeInsert();
Campaign after insert new CMS_CampaignTriggerHandler().afterInsert();
Campaign before update new CMS_CampaignTriggerHandler().beforeUpdate();
Sample code is included in unpackaged/triggers-sample/triggers
Campaign trigger
* @description Trigger on `Campaign` with methods to call - change this to avoid logic in the trigger
trigger CampaignTrigger on Campaign(before insert, after insert, before update) { //NOPMD
System.TriggerOperation triggerEvent = Trigger.operationType;
switch on triggerEvent {
new CMS_CampaignTriggerHandler().afterInsert();
new CMS_CampaignTriggerHandler().beforeInsert();
new CMS_CampaignTriggerHandler().beforeUpdate();
CampaignMemberStatusEvent trigger
* @description Trigger on `CampaignMemberStatusChangeEvent` with methods to call
trigger CampaignMemberStatusEventTrigger on CampaignMemberStatusChangeEvent(after insert) {
new CMS_MemberStatusEventTriggerHandler().afterInsert();
Next, you need to define your Protected Statuses. This is done with Custom Metadata Types.
Log in to Salesforce, and go to Setup.
Navigate to Custom Metadata Types, and click Manage Records for Campaign Type Member Status.
To create your first ones, click New
Fill in the various fields.
: Used in the List of Campaign Statuses in the Setup view in step 3 above. Recommended convention: TYPE-STATUS -
: This is an API name that can be used by developers. Not required by this package. Recommended: let this autofill after you type in the Label. -
Campaign Type
: This is the actual value for the Campaign's Type field. -
Protected Status
: This is the Status value that will become protected. -
Is Default
: Select this if this Status should be the default (please pick only 1 per Type). -
Is Responded
: Select this if this Status should be marked as Responded. -
When complete, your screen may look something like this:
(orSave & New
) and repeat a whole bunch. -
Lastly, time to set up a scheduled job to restore deleted protected statuses.
Back in Setup, go to Apex Classes and click
Schedule Apex
. -
Fill in the few fields.
Job Name
: give this a nice descriptive name so you remember what it is in 3 months. -
Apex Class
: CampaignMemberStatusJob -
: set this to what works for you. We recommend running this daily during off-peak hours. -
: today -
: some time in the distant future -
Preferred Start Time
: off peak hours -
When complete, your screen may look something like this:
You are good to go once you have provided your statuses. Give it a whirl by creating a new Campaign with the Type you have set up. Then take a look at the statuses already created.
Campaigns with Types not already set up will keep the default two statuses that Salesforce creates.
There's no need to add the new checkbox field on Campaign to page layouts, but if you want to, it's best to make it read-only.
Deploy this repository metadata directly to your org, avoiding the need to use the command line:

Follow this set of instructions if you want to deploy the solution into your org without using an Unlocked Package. This will require a Sandbox, and then a ChangeSet to deploy into Production.
If you know about and use
, clone this repositorygit clone cd campaign-member-status
Set up your environment
npm install @salesforce/cli --global
Authorize your Salesforce org and provide it with an alias (myorg in the commands below)
Connect your project to a Sandbox Org
sf org login web --set-default --alias myorg --instance-url
With orgs that require a specific MyDomain URL, use this slightly altered command, making the correct adjustments
sf org login web --set-default --alias myorg --instance-url
Run a series of commands to deploy each of the three parts, or skip to the next item to push them all at once
Run this command in a terminal to deploy just the main code
sf project deploy start --source-dir force-app
Run this command in the terminal to deploy the included sample triggers. You may wish to change them to fit with your trigger handler framework.
sf project deploy start --source-dir unpackaged/triggers-sample
Run this command in the terminal to deploy the bundled sample custom metadata
sf project deploy start --source-dir unpackaged/email-sample
Or just run one command to push all three parts together
sf project deploy start
You'll need a custom permission set to access the Campaign field, or just add it to an existing permission set and delete this one
sf org assign permset --name Campaign_Type_Member_Status_Admin
Continue with Post-Install Configuration
Set up your environment. The steps include:
- Enable Dev Hub in your main org
- Install Salesforce CLI
If you haven't already done so, authorize your hub org and provide it with an alias (myhuborg in the command below):
sf login org --set-default-dev-hub --alias myhuborg
If you know about and use git, clone this repository
git clone cd campaign-member-status
Run the included script to create a scratch org and push the metadata
. scripts/
Continue with Post-Install Configuration
We leverage a few cool tools available to us:
- Custom Metadata Types: Allows the Protected Statuses to be treated like normal Salesforce metadata and can be deployed around like any other metadata (changesets, insert devops tool here)
- Campaign Custom Field:
is automatically checked by the solution if a Campaign is created and there are Custom Metadata Type records that specify this Campaign's Type. It is also what allows the rest of the code to keep the statuses intact. You can clear the checkbox for this field to make changes to the statuses if you need to. However, you can't enable protection afterwards. - Change Data Capture: We turn this on for CampaignMemberStatus so we can detect edits to statuses and then fix the records after-the-fact. Sadly we can't (yet?) put any triggers on CampaignMemberStatus (which would have been ideal).
- Triggers: We use them to kick off the automation that we've built when a Campaign is created. We also use them to watch for Campaign Member Status edits (through the ChangeEvents from Change Data Capture) so we can set things right afterwardsd.
Once everything is set up, Campaigns should maintain a consistent set of Campaign Member Statuses. Here's how we accomplish that.
When a new Campaign is created, we check to see if the Type of Campaign is defined in any of the Protected Campaign Member Status records (the Custom Metadata Type that was set up earlier). If there is a match, the solution will:
- Automatically add a checkbox to the Campaign Custom Field "Has Campaign Type Member Statuses".
- Automatically adjust the CampaignMemberStatus records to match all Campaign Type Member Statuses expected
For a Campaign that "Has Campaign Type Member Statuses", when one of the CampaignMemberStatus records is edited we will double check all statuses of that Campaign to make sure that all Protected ones still exist. If there are any missing, they will be recreated almost instantly (you may need to refresh the page for them to show up if there's a delay).
If a user removes a Campaign Type Member Status, the Scheduled Job (that was created as part of Post-Install Configuration) will search for Campaigns missing a Status and recreate it.
Of course! Here are a few to get your creative juices flowing.
We really wish we could. A "before update" and "before delete" Apex Trigger would be the simplest way to handle this. Unfortunately, Apex Triggers are not (yet) possible on CampaignMemberStatus records, so we end up having to fix it after-the-fact.
If you have Apex tests which set up a Campaign record as part of the test, the functionality in this package will get called and might blow up. This is because how Salesforce internally treats the automatic generation of Campaign Member Status records when a new Campaign is created (it's weird).
You have 2 options:
- Use your trigger framework to bypass your Campaign Trigger Handler
- To actually see the records that Salesforce would create, you would need to have your test
. There are a lot of considerations with this approach, so please use wisely.