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CP-49429 store KDC in xapi as URI
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We want to store the KDC address as IP/port in xapi using the existing
database field. We use a new custom URI. We support the existing
(simpler legacy) scheme by trying it first when readign the field.

Signed-off-by: Christian Lindig <[email protected]>
Christian Lindig authored and lindig committed May 22, 2024
1 parent 9a816d1 commit a1fbd85
Showing 1 changed file with 23 additions and 7 deletions.
30 changes: 23 additions & 7 deletions ocaml/xapi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -115,13 +115,19 @@ end = struct

let default_port = 88

(** the custom URI scheme we use to store the KDC in the xapi database *)
let scheme = "kdc"

let server t = Ipaddr.to_string t.ip

(** currently not used by client code *)
let _port t = t.port

let from_lookup str =
(* examples for IPv4 str returned by "net lookup kdc": *)
(* examples for IPv4 str returned by "net lookup kdc": Based on experiments I believe
this is also true for IPv6 although the colon is used inside an
IPv6 address. So we split off the last number as port *)
match Astring.String.cut ~rev:true ~sep:":" str with
| Some (ip, "88") -> (
try {ip= Ipaddr.of_string ip |> Result.get_ok; port= default_port}
@@ -132,16 +138,26 @@ end = struct
| None ->
fail "%s: can't parse %s as address:port" __FUNCTION__ str

(** Read IP from XAPI. The legacy format is just the IP address; the
new format uses a URI, which includes the port *)
let from_db str =
try {ip= Ipaddr.of_string str |> Result.get_ok; port= default_port}
let ip host = Ipaddr.of_string host |> Result.get_ok in
let uri = Uri.of_string str in
match Uri.(scheme uri, host uri, port uri) with
| Some s, Some host, Some port when s = scheme ->
{ip= ip host; port}
| _ ->
(* we try to parse the legacy format *)
{ip= ip str; port= default_port}
with _ -> fail "%s: can't parse %s" __FUNCTION__ str

(** store host and port as a custom URI *)
let to_db t =
(* we could create and write a URI that includes the port but we
would have to be sure that only this code is reading the URI back
Ipaddr.to_string t.ip (* not writing port *)
Uri.make ~scheme ~host:(Ipaddr.to_string t.ip) ~port:t.port ()
|> Uri.to_string

(** this format is only used for logging *)
let to_msg t = Printf.sprintf "%s (port %d)" (Ipaddr.to_string t.ip) t.port

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