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The architecture I used for Herzog Drei has served the game very well, so I thought to describe it quickly.

The goal is to be able to manage and update a complex, rich game state with a flat hierarchy, where everything can interact with everything else in every possible way.

It's a practical implementation of the structure described by John Carmak in his Quakecon 2013 talk and it makes heavy use of partially applied functions.

If you find any mistake or have any suggestions for improvements, please open an issue. Thanks! <3

The basic idea

Every time you want to update the game state, everything that can affect the game should produce a Delta:

    -- change the game state
    = DeltaGame (GameState -> GameState)
      -- don't change anything
    | DeltaNone
      -- change more than one thing
      -- (useful for nesting and splitting your changes)
    | DeltaList (List Delta)
      -- do something that does NOT affect the game state such as playing sounds
    | DeltaSideEffect SideEffect

updateEverything : GameState -> ( GameState, List SideEffect )
updateEverything gameState =
        victoryDelta : Delta
        victoryDelta =
            -- victoryConditionThink : GameState -> Delta
            victoryConditionThink gameState

        listOfAllUnits : List Unit
        listOfAllUnits =
            Dict.values gameState.unitsById

        unitDeltas : List Delta
        unitDeltas =
            -- unitThink : GameState -> Unit -> Delta
   (unitThink gameState) listOfAllUnits


        allChanges : List Delta
        allChanges =
            [ victoryDelta
            , DeltaList unitDeltas
            , ...
            , ...
    applyGameDeltas allChanges gameState

applyGameDeltas : List Delta -> GameState -> ( GameState, List SideEffect )
applyGameDeltas deltas gameState =
    List.foldl applyDelta ( gameState, [] ) deltas

applyDelta : Delta -> ( GameState, List SideEffect ) -> ( GameState, List SideEffect )
applyDelta delta ( gameState, sideEffects ) =
    case delta of
        DeltaNone ->
            ( gameState, sideEffects )

        DeltaList deltas ->
            List.foldl applyDelta ( gameState, sideEffects ) deltas

        DeltaGame updateGameState ->
            ( updateGameState gameState, sideEffects )

        DeltaSideEffect sideEffect ->
            ( gameState, sideEffects :: sideEffects )

The DeltaGame constructor is the one we will be using the most, but it is also as generic as it gets, so it will be useful to have some helper functions like:

deltaUnit : UnitId -> (Game -> Unit -> Unit) -> Delta
deltaUnit unitId updateFunction =
    DeltaGame (updateUnit unitId updateFunction)

updateUnit : UnitId -> (Game -> Unit -> Unit) -> GameState -> GameState =
updateUnit unitId updateFunction gameState =
    case Dict.get unitId gameState.unitsById of
        Nothing ->

        Just unit ->
                updatedUnit : Unit
                updatedUnit =
                    updateFunction gameState unit
            { gameState | unitsById = Dict.insert unitId updatedUnit game.unitsById }

Ok, so how do I use this?

Let's say I want units to be able to move and heal nearby units. How would unitThink look like?

unitThink : GameState -> Unit -> Delta
unitThink gameState unit =
        deltaMove : Delta
        deltaMove =
            if hasDestination unit then
                deltaUnit unitMove

        deltaHeal : Delta
        deltaHeal =
            if isHealer unit then
                deltaUnitHealEveryone gameState unit
        [ deltaMove
        , deltaHeal

unitMove : GameState -> Unit -> Unit
unitMove gameState unit =
    { unit | position = Vec2.add unit.position unit.speed }

deltaUnitHealEveryone : GameState -> Unit -> Delta
deltaUnitHealEveryone gameState unit =
    getAllUnitsInHealingRangeOf unit gameState
        |> (deltaUnitHealOneUnit unit)
        |> DeltaList

deltaUnitHealOneUnit : Unit -> Unit -> Delta
deltaUnitHealOneUnit healer healed =
    if isOk healed then
            [ deltaSpawnHealingIcon healed.position
            -- we use partial application on `healUnitBy`
            , deltaUnit (healUnitBy healer.healingSpeed)

healUnitBy : Int -> GameState -> Unit -> Unit
healUnitBy amount gameState unit =
    { unit | life = min ( + healAmount) gameState.maxUnitLife }

IMPORTANT: did you notice that the unit that appears in unitThink is not the same unit used in unitMove?

The unit inside unitThink refers to the unit state before deltas are applied to the game state.

The unit inside unitMove instead refers to the unit during the application of deltas.

If more than one delta modify the same unit, the two units won't be the same. Be careful to distinguish the two, otherwise you might end up undoing what the previous delta did.

Spawning stuff

Things that affect the larger game, or that do not refer to existing units, can be always executed via DeltaGame:

deltaSpawnProjectile : Unit -> Unit -> Delta
deltaSpawnProjectile unit target =
    DeltaGame (addProjectile unit.position

addProjectile : Vec2 -> UnitId -> GameState -> GameState
addProjectile position targetId gameState =
        projectile : Projectile
        projectile =
            { id = gameState.nextId
            , position = position
            , spawnTime = gameState.time
            , targetUnitId = targetId

        updatedProjectiles : Dict ProjectileId Projectile
        updatedProjectiles =
            Dict.insert projectile gameState.projectilesById
        { gameState | nextId = + 1, projectilesById = updatedProjectiles }

Given a function that modifies the game state, such as addProjectile, we partially apply its arguments until only a GameState -> GameState function is left, and the function becomes the argument to DeltaGame.

Use absolute times instead of relative ones

Every single DeltaGame in the tree will force Elm to create a new copy (however shallow) of the whole game state, so we want to avoid using it if we can.

Let's say a shooting unit has to wait for weapon cooldown before it can shoot again.

My naive approach was to have a cooldown variable that stored the cooldown time left and reduce it at every tick, so that when it reached zero the unity would be ready to shoot:

deltaUnitShoots : GameState -> Unit -> Unit -> Delta
deltaUnitShoots gameState unit target =
        [ deltaSpawnProjectile unit target
        -- `unit` and `gameState` refer to the state *before* delta application
        -- `u` and `gs` refer to the state *during* delta application
        , deltaUnit (\gs u -> { u | cooldown = gs.attackCooldown })

unitThink : GameState -> Unit -> Delta
unitThink gameState unit =
        [ ...
        , ...
        , deltaUnit (\gs u -> { u | cooldown = max 0 (unit.cooldown - 1) })

unitCanFire : Unit -> Bool
unitCanFire unit =
    unit.cooldown == 0

This required one DeltaGame per unit per game tick, just for cooldown.

A better approach is to store only the absolute time of when the unit will be ready to fire again, and allow the unit to fire only past that time:

deltaUnitShoots : GameState -> Unit -> Unit -> Delta
deltaUnitShoots gameState unit target =
        [ deltaSpawnProjectile unit target
        , deltaUnit (\gs u -> { u | cooldownEnd = gs.time + gs.attackCooldown })

unitThink : GameState -> Unit -> Delta
unitThink gameState unit =
        [ ...
        , ...
        -- we can remove the deltaUnit call entirely!

unitCanFire : GameState -> Unit -> Bool
unitCanFire gameState unit =
    gameState.time > unit.cooldownEnd

Resolving conflicts: few units

Let's say healing power is limited, and every time a healer heals, it loses a bit of power.

        [ deltaUnit (healUnitBy healer.healingSpeed)
        , deltaSpawnHealingIcon healed.position
        -- we add this:
        , deltaRemovePower healer

If two healers try to heal a unit, one of them may waste some of its precious healing power!

In this case, you should have a single update function, so that the healing and the power loss become a single atomic operation:

        [ DeltaGame (heal
        , deltaSpawnHealingIcon healed.position
heal : UnitId -> UnitId -> GameState -> GameState
heal healerId healedId gameState =
    case ( Dict.get healerId gameState.unitsById, Dict.get healedId gameState.unitsById ) of
        ( Just healer, Just healed ) ->
            if healer.power == 0 || == gameState.maxUnitLife then
                    updatedHealer : Unit
                    updatedHealer =
                        { healer | healingPower = healer.healingPower - 1 }

                    updatedHealed : Unit
                    updatedHealed =
                        healUnitBy healer.healingSpeed gameState healed

                    updatedUnitsById : Dict UnitId Unit
                    updatedUnitsById =
                            |> Dict.insert healerId updatedHealer
                            |> Dict.insert healedId updatedHealed
                { gameState | unitsById = updatedUnitsById }

        _ ->

Resolving conflicts: many units

I haven't tried this, but the idea is to record the intention of someone trying to do something, e.g. "unit X wants to move to square Y", then, once all deltas have been applied, process all the intentions in a single step, resolving the conflicts, and update the game state accordingly.

You can even add a dedicated constructor to the Delta type if you want this intention to be recorded outside of the game state.

Scheduling changes

What if a unit wants something to happen, but only after a certain time?

We can add a new constructor to the Delta type, and store the scheduled actions in the game state:

type Delta
    | DeltaDoLater TimeLength Delta
applyDelta : Delta -> ( GameState, List SideEffect ) -> ( GameState, List SideEffect )
applyDelta delta (gameState, sideEffects) =
    case delta of


        DeltaDoLater delay delta ->
                updatedStuffToDoLater : List ( TimeLength, Delta )
                updatedStuffToDoLater =
                    (gameState.time + delay, delta) :: gameState.stuffToDoLater
                ( { gameState | stuffToDoLater = updatedStuffToDoLater }, sideEffects )

updateEverything : GameState -> ( GameState, List SideEffect )
updateEverything gameState =


        -- ( List ( TimeLength, Delta ), List ( TimeLength, Delta ) )
        ( doNow, doLater ) =
                |> List.partition (\( scheduledTime, delta ) -> gameState.time >= scheduledTime)

        scheduledDeltas : List Delta
        scheduledDeltas =
   Tuple.second doNow

        allChanges : List Delta
        allChanges =
            [ ...
            , DeltaList scheduledDeltas
        applyGameDeltas allChanges { gameState | stuffToDoLater = doLater }

This approach has the drawback that functions will be stored in the game state, which means you can't serialize it, you can't use (==) to compare game states and you can't use elm reactor.

If you need any of the above, you will have to create a type to describe your delayed actions instead of a normal Delta:

type DelayedDelta
    = DelayedHeal UnitId UnitId

type Delta
    | DeltaDoLater TimeLength DelayedDelta
updateEverything : GameState -> ( GameState, List SideEffect )
updateEverything gameState =


        scheduledDeltas : List Delta
        scheduledDeltas =
   (Tuple.second >> delayedDeltaToDelta) doNow


delayedDeltaToDelta : DelayedDelta -> Delta
delayedDeltaToDelta delayed =
    case delayed of
        DelayedHeal healerId healedId ->
            -- `heal` is defined in "Resolving conflicts"
            DeltaGame (heal healerId healedId)

This is a lot clunkier to use because for every effect you want you need to define a new constructor and add it to the case statement above. Worse, you lose the composability and flexibility of the deltas.

Random Changes

Sometimes changes should be random, and in an immutable world using randomness means updating the random seed that is stored in the Model.

If we store the random seed together with the rest of the game state (as we should), we can create a normal GameState -> GameState function that will run Random.step, make the random changes and update the seed; we pass the function to DeltaGame and we're done with it.

In my experience however, it's easier to express things in terms of deltas, because they are more flexible and can be composed quickly. Yet deltas cannot update the random seed before they are actually applied, so how do we do this?

Well, we add another constructor:

type Delta
    | DeltaRandom (Random.Generator Delta)
applyDelta : Delta -> ( GameState, List SideEffect ) -> ( GameState, List SideEffect )
applyDelta delta ( gameState, sideEffects ) =
    case delta of


        DeltaRandom deltaGenerator ->
                -- ( Delta, Random.Seed )
                ( generatedDelta, seed ) =
                    Random.step deltaGenerator gameState.seed
            applyDelta generatedDelta ( { gameState | seed = seed }, outcomes )

And also some helpers:

deltaRandom : (a -> Delta) -> Random.Generator a -> Delta
deltaRandom function generator =
    DeltaRandom ( function generator)

deltaRandom2 : (a -> b -> Delta) -> Random.Generator a -> Random.Generator b -> Delta
deltaRandom2 function generatorA generatorB =
    DeltaRandom (Random.map2 function generatorA generatorB)

deltaWithChance : Float -> Delta -> Delta
deltaWithChance chance delta =
        rollToDelta : Float -> Delta
        rollToDelta roll =
            if roll > chance then
    deltaRandom rollToDelta (Random.float 0 1)

Now we can declare our deltas using randomness:

deltaSpawnBubbleGfx : Delta
deltaSpawnBubbleGfx =
    -- deltaAddGfx : Int -> Int -> GfxType -> Delta
    deltaRandom2 (\x y -> deltaAddGfx x y GfxTypeBubble) ( 0 5) ( 0 6)

deltaSometimesSpawnBubbles : Delta
deltaSometimesSpawnBubbles =
    deltaWithChance 0.5 deltaSpawnBubbleGfx

The nice thing is that we can compose DeltaRandom with all the other delta constructors, including DeltaList, DeltaDoLater, etc...

deltaSometimesSpawnManyBubbles : Delta
deltaSometimesSpawnManyBubbles =
        spawnLater : Delta
        spawnLater =
            deltaRandom (\delay -> DeltaDoLater delay deltaSpawnBubbleGfx) (Random.float 0 2000)

        sometimesSpawnLater : Delta
        sometimesSpawnLater =
            deltaWithChance 0.3 spawnLater
    deltaRandom (\n -> List.repeat n sometimesSpawnLater |> DeltaList) ( 0 10)

End note

With this architecture every effect and interaction can be described in full without having to create and manage new type constructors and without modifying modules other than the one where the effect is invoked, with the notable exception of delayed changes, as noted above.

In my (limited) experience this allowed me to easily add and easily maintain all the complexity I wanted, make experiments on the fly and prototype new stuff quickly.

I was initially skeptical about using immutable languages for games, but I changed my mind and I think that, especially if they offer union types (aka algebraic data types) they can in fact be very good.


Guide: Rich, scalable game state in Elm







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