Use Rresult module
This release marks improved compatibility with the OCaml 4.02.3 (and up) compiler by using standard modules for error handling and avoiding name clashes with new modules in the compiler distribution.
3fea338 2017-02-17 (HEAD -> ppx_trunk, github-xenserver/ppx_trunk) Merge pull request #21 from gaborigloi/ppx_
6fc0d5a 2017-02-09 Replace custom Result with Rresult [Gabor Igloi]
32fcfbe 2017-02-16 (github-xenserver/master, github-xenserver/HEAD, master) Merge pull request #20 from gabori
75ea030 2017-02-16 fix incorrect word in error message [Gabor Igloi]
0abfda5 2017-02-16 Merge pull request #19 from gaborigloi/master_ppx [GitHub]
3cb78c8 2017-02-16 Update the version of _oasis file from 0.3 to 0.4 [Gabor Igloi]
076f45f 2017-02-16 Rename Config module to avoid name clash [Gabor Igloi]