**a wrapper for redix to support cluster mode of redis
Add redix_cluster to your list of dependencies in
:elixir def deps do [{:redix_cluster, "~> 0.0.1"}] end
Ensure redix_cluster is started before your application:
def application do [applications: [:redix_cluster]] end
iex -S mix
iex> h RedixCluster.command
iex> h RedixCluster.pipeline
iex> h RedixCluster.transaction
config :redix_cluster,
cluster_nodes: [%{host: '', port: 7000},
%{host: '', port: 7000},
%{host: '', port: 7000}
# poolboy
pool_size: 5,
pool_max_overflow: 0,
# redix connection_opts
socket_opts: [],
backoff_initial: 2000,
backoff_max: :infinity
it's never slow down the speed of commands even redis is not on cluster
MIX_EVN=test mix espec
MIX_ENV=bench mix bench