Second Life
v0.35 Second Life
This release marks a second life for Ancient Religions. With superskierpat having moved on to higher education, others take up the charge of maintaining and expanding the work of their predecessor.
Now, enough with the dramatics, time for details!
- Dozens of minor fixes from bad event triggers to localization. So many I can't even count them!
- A major reorganization of the files to make com-patches much easier in the future!
- Druidic pagans now have 2 holy orders and 2 mercenary companies!
- The Fianna have had several of their events fixed, expect a visit from the boisterous warriors if you are a Druid and a Gael (Irish or Scottish)! As before, they are created by the King (or Queen!) of Ireland, and can also be vassalized by said monarch, but it is costly. Young men in your realm may wish to join the Fianna, seeking fame and glory.
- The Sons of Gwydion. A mercenary company much like the Varangians, they are organized by, and serve, the Reformed Druidic Emperor of Prydain. They will have a slew of flavor events (most of which are cribbed from the Varangian events). Like the Fianna, your sons may wish to join the Sons of Gwydion.
- The Red Dragon Knights may be formed by any Reformed Druidic King level ruler. They operate like any other Holy Order. They can take donations, give out loans, and will occasionally ask druidic rulers in the de jure empires of Britain, Francia, Hispania, or Germania for permission to build a barony in their lands.
- Finally, The Wolf Tails are a mercenary company that will form spontaneously shortly after the first province converts to Druidic pagan (un-reformed).
(The Wolf Tails and the Fianna will both convert when Celtic Paganism reforms.) - Kemetic (Egyptian Pagan) has been ported over from CK2+ (thanks guys!) and is available if you have Ruler Designer. Currently there are no revival events implemented, but they are planned for v0.40!