We here compare the performances of 10 deep learning methods in three contexts:
- Simulated datasets
- Cancer datasets
- Single-cell datasets
We use python
and R
to code the programs. The python scripts are in ./python-scripts/
folder .The R scripts are in ./R-scripts/
folder .
The data for python scripts is in ./python-scripts/data/
folder .The data for R scripts is in ./R-scripts/data/
folder .
For python-scripts,Simulated datasets are in ./python-scripts/data/simulations
,Cancer datasets are in ./python-scripts/data/cancer
,Single-cell datasets are in ./python-scripts/data/single-cell
Each of the three datasets above corresponds to a differnet python scripts in this repositiory:
Each of the three datasets above corresponds to a differnet Jupyter notebook in this repositiory:
Use conda to create a new environment: conda create -n momix -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c lcantini momix r-irkernel
You need to build a virtual environment for python.
You need to install the following main libraries: Python==3.7.0,Tensorflow==1.15.0, scikit-learn==0.20.0, Jupyter==1.0.0