This repository answers a question you probably never wanted to know :-
- Could Datomic's storage layer use other KV stores aside from the officially supported ones?
- How would you hack together a terrible JDBC driver?
This driver needs to be available on the classpath for both the Datomic transactor and the Datomic peer
clj -M:build-driver
Copy the resulting target/net.xlfe.dsp.jdbc.driver-<VERSION>.jar
to the lib path for the
Datomic transactor as well as the project where you're using the associated Datomic Peer
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/service/account/key.json
(ns peer
(:require [datomic.api :as d]))
(def gcp-datastore-connection-map
{:protocol :sql
:sql-driver-class "net.xlfe.dsp.jdbc.Driver"
:db-name "datomic-database-name"
:sql-url "gcp-datastore://project-id/datastore-id?namespace=datastore-namespace"})
(defn -main
(d/create-database gcp-datastore-connection-map)
(let [conn (d/connect gcp-datastore-connection-map)]
(run-tests conn)
gcloud beta emulators datastore start --use-firestore-in-datastore-mode
(ns peer
(:require [datomic.api :as d]))
(def gcp-datastore-connection-map
{:protocol :sql
:sql-driver-class "net.xlfe.dsp.jdbc.Driver"
:db-name "datomic-test-db"
:sql-url "gcp-datastore-emulator://localhost:8081/test-project?namespace=datomic123"})
(defn -main
(d/create-database gcp-datastore-connection-map)
(let [conn (d/connect gcp-datastore-connection-map)]
(run-tests conn)
Datalevin has a standalone commandline client that runs a server which we can connect to over a network
(ns peer
(:require [datomic.api :as d]))
(def datalevin-connection-map
{:protocol :sql
:sql-driver-class "net.xlfe.dsp.jdbc.Driver"
:db-name "datomic-test-db"
:sql-url "dtlv://datalevin:datalevin@localhost:8898/my-kv-store?table=datomic-table"})
(defn -main
(d/create-database datalevin-connection-map)
(let [conn (d/connect datalevin-connection-map)]
(run-tests conn)
Note the sql url is actually the Datalevin's server url with the addition of a query param ?table=datomic-table
to indicate the table