This repository contains code and data for paper On Strategyproof Conference Peer Review. A shorter version is present in IJCAI 2019:
Yichong Xu*, Han Zhao*, Xiaofei Shi, Nihar Shah
On Strategyproof Conference Peer Review
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-19
(*: equal contribution)
Please cite the above paper if you use this code or data.
- To compare the similarity score with Divide-and-Rank partition and without:
> cd DivideClusters
> python
- To compute the similarity score with random partition: In the same folder run
> python --compute_random
The matrix is at iclr2018.npz
import numpy as np
scores = np.load("iclr2018_all.npz", allow_pickle=True)
similarity_matrix = scores["similarity_matrix"]
mask_matrix = scores["mask_matrix"]
Each line in similarity_matrix
and mask_matrix
corresponds to an author and each column corresponds to a paper. The score between [0,1] represents the similarity, and the mask in {0,1} represents the conflicts.