Concept proof prototype of serverless CMS using AWS Appsync, Aurora Serverless, Cognito, Serverless Framework and React
- Serverless Framework
- AWS Appsync
- AWS Cognito
- AWS Aurora Serverless
- AWS Lambda
- React
File Structure
- /nodejs - Backend
- /Frontend - React frontend
Change admin email, database name, database username database user password in nodejs/serverless.yml
custom: poolName: ${self:provider.stage}SimpleCMS dbName: "simpleCMS" dbUserName: "root" dbPassword: "Password" systemUserEmail: "[email protected]"
Set up AWS credentials
$ aws configure
Install Serverless framework
$ npm install -g serverless
$ sls deploy --stage dev
- Setup Appsync endpoints and AWS config in frontend/src/config/config.js, replace YOUR_IDENTITY_POOLID, YOUR_COGNITO_POOLID, YOUR_COGNITO_POOLID_CLIENTID to related values
const AWSConfig = {
amp: {
region: "ap-southeast-2",
mandatorySignIn: false
appSync: {
region: "ap-southeast-2"
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Run app
$ npm start
Build app
$ npm run build
Deploy app to AWS S3 bucket
$ aws s3 cp build s3://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME