install (nodejs)[http://nodejs.org/]
install the server dependencies: cd bb-training npm install -g grunt-cli npm install
launch the server: grunt goto localhost:3000
create a view arround the #todoapp el this view should listen to the enter key press create a todos collection and a the newly created item add a li in the #todo-list representing this model tips: $('#stats-template').html() get the template content _.template compiles it
create a view for each todo model to handle individual events move the li templating to this view append this view el to its parent destination tips: the attribute tagName defines the root node of the view
in this new view, handle the click on .toggle by changing a model attribute render the view on the model change event to reflect the status of the todo tips: every backbone component have a this.listenTo(emitter, 'event', action) method
add the delete action add the edit action (with li class .editing), the input should appear with the existing value
in the parent view, add a footer showing how many todos are completed and remaining add the 'clear completed' action add the 'all done' action (clicking on the double arrow above chekmarks)
change the hashtag in the history when clicking on 'active', 'completed' or 'all' add a router to capture this change filter the view with only the 'active' todo or 'completed' todos tips: Backbone.history.navigate('url', {trigger: true})
add requirejs to the index.html transform every file into a module with the define method add a require method with the dependencies tips: //requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config-shim
extract each template to one file in a js/templates folder
verify everything is working
create a grunt task to create a minified version replace the actual script in index.html with the minified one verify things are still ok
create a collection of todos and assert filters are working
create an item view with a model and assert render returns the correct html
do the same with a collection view
on this collection view, assert its behavior (when a model is checked, edited, deleted, etc)
make the first todo view read only using inheritance
create a unique instance of the todos collection for the all app
validate each todo title do not contains those characters ! # $ % & and display an error
create a default error handler for every failing server request
using jQuery.ui, make the todos sortable (their order can be changed with drag&drop)
show the input:search on top of the index.html file on every character, filter the todos on their value
show the pagination at the bottom of the index.html file instead of getting every todos, get them 10 by 10 and paginate store the pagination in the url
replace the templating engine with handlebars and create a helper to capitalize every first letter