My custom Vite plugin restricts absolute imports from outside the module src/modules/{ModuleName}/**/ to a higher level module or to another module, but allows for more transparent usage by importing the module from a file inside the module src/modules/{ModuleName}/index.ts. In this file, you can export components, functions, classes, methods, etc., which can then be used outside this module or in other modules. In other words, we prohibit importing any files from the module to avoid errors when deleting the module or its parts, especially when other modules or scripts above rely on anything from the module or its isolated part.
/* vite.config.ts */
import {defineConfig, normalizePath, Plugin} from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
const viteImportValidationOfModules = (): Plugin => {
const rootSrc = path.join(process.cwd(), 'src')
const restrictedModules = fs.readdirSync(path.join(rootSrc, 'modules')).filter(dir => fs.statSync(path.join(rootSrc, 'modules', dir)).isDirectory())
return {
name: 'vite-import-validation-of-modules',
enforce: 'pre',
async resolveId(source, importer) {
if (!importer) {
return null
let normalizedImporter = normalizePath(importer)
let normalizedSource = normalizePath(source)
let isFileExists = false
if(normalizedImporter.includes('node_modules')) {
return null
let absoluteImportPath = normalizePath(path.join(path.dirname(normalizedImporter), normalizedSource))
try {
isFileExists = fs.existsSync(absoluteImportPath)
if(!isFileExists) {
return null
} catch {
return null
if(!absoluteImportPath.includes(normalizePath('/src/modules'))) {
return null
if(!path.extname(normalizedSource)) {
const files = await fs.promises.readdir(absoluteImportPath)
const indexFilesMap = new Map<number, string>(
.filter(file => path.basename(file, path.extname(file)).toLowerCase() === 'index')
.map((file, index) => [index, file])
if(indexFilesMap.size) {
absoluteImportPath = path.extname(absoluteImportPath) ? absoluteImportPath : normalizePath(path.join(absoluteImportPath, String(indexFilesMap.get(0))))
normalizedSource = path.extname(normalizedSource) ? normalizedSource : normalizePath(path.join(normalizedSource, String(indexFilesMap.get(0))))
for (const restrictedModule of restrictedModules) {
const modulePath = normalizePath(path.join(process.cwd(), 'src', 'modules', restrictedModule))
if(!absoluteImportPath.startsWith(modulePath)) {
const moduleIndexPath = normalizePath(path.join(modulePath, 'index.ts'))
if(!normalizedImporter.includes(modulePath) && (absoluteImportPath !== moduleIndexPath)) {
const errorMessage = `Importing a file from path ${absoluteImportPath} into a file at path ${normalizedImporter} is not possible due to scope and module boundary violations. If you want to use this imported file ${path.basename(absoluteImportPath)}, specify its export from the file at path ${moduleIndexPath}`
throw new Error(errorMessage)
return null
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react(), viteImportValidationOfModules()],
|-- public
| |-- index.html
|-- src
| |-- modules
| | |-- Dashboard
| | | |-- pages
| | | | |-- DashboardPage.tsx
| | | | | // Importing birdIcon.tsx from the path ../../../Error/components/birdIcon will result in an error.
| | | | | // Importing on demand using the plugin from the path ../../../Dashboard will work perfectly fine.
| | |-- index.ts
| | | |-- ...
| | |-- Error
| | | |-- components
| | | | |-- birdIcon
| | | | | |-- index.tsx
| | | |-- index.ts
| | | |-- ...
| |-- main.tsx
|-- package.json